i cannot delete the lastest data i input, why. it show ".exe has stoppped working"
void system1::deletenode(const string& id,const string& name)
string data; // User enters node to be deleted.
nodetype * current = head; // Start at the head, and checks each node.
nodetype * garbage = current; // garbage FOLLOWS along behind the pointer current.
if (head == NULL) // Circular list is empty when head equals NULL.
cout << "\nList is empty!\n\n";
cout << "\nDELETE an ID#: ";
cin >> data;
if (head == current->link) // ** If there is ONLY one element in list. **
if ((current->ID) == data) // And it contains the id to be destroyed.
head = NULL; // ** IMPORTANT to reset head to NULL if only element **
delete garbage; // delete node.
garbage = 0; // To prevent a dangling pointer and possible errors.
cout << "\nID# found--> " << data << ": DELETED!\n\n";
cout << "\nID#--> " << data << " is NOT in the list!\n\n";
else if ((current->ID) == data) // Condition for deletion of first node in list.
while (current->link != head) // Find the node that is not equal to head.
current = current->link; // If more than one node, move to next node.
// Next node after head is assigned to current next, and then to head.
head = current->link = head->link;
delete garbage; // Delete the node.
garbage = 0; // To prevent a dangling pointer and possible errors.
cout << "\nID# found--> " << data << ": DELETED!\n\n";
// Call the other delete function if further search conditions are needed.
deleteFind(data,head,current, garbage);
void system1::deleteFind(string data, nodetype *& head,nodetype * current, nodetype * garbage)
// Condition for deletion of all nodes EXCEPT first and last.
while (current->link->link != head)
if (current->link->ID == data)
garbage = current->link; // current next is assigned to garbage
current->link = current->link->link; // current points to current next next.
delete garbage; // Delete node.
garbage = 0; // To prevent a dangling pointer and possible errors.
cout << "\nID# found--> " << data << ": DELETED!\n\n";
current = current->link; // Move to the next node, if any.
// Condition for deletion of LAST node only.
if ((current->link->link == head) && (current->link->ID == data))
garbage = current->link; // Assign current next to garbage.
delete garbage; // delete node.
garbage = 0; // To prevent a dangling pointer and possible errors.
cout << "\nID# found--> " << data << ": DELETED!\n\n";
current->link = head; // IMPORTANT: point current to head.
cout << "\nID#--> " << data << " is NOT in the list!\n\n";