Webville312 14 Newbie Poster

Dear all,

So I am trying to run a watir test application. Everything seems to be going well except I need to log each step that happens.
I am able to log using the php script, but have not yet figured out how to write to a log file using ruby.
Now since I am more experienced with php, I thought it'd be wise to pass the ruby data back to php before I can write to the log file. Below is my code;

// Call ruby script with watir/selenium webdriver to run test
function run_test ($browser, $country_code, $test) 
    //echo $test["test_name"];

    $launch_time = date('Y-m-d_His');
    echo "At $launch_time Running Test " . $test["test_number"] . " - " .$test["test_name"] . " ... \n";

    $arg0 = str_replace(" ", "...",$browser);
    $arg1 = str_replace(" ", "...",$country_code);
    $arg2 = str_replace(" ", "...",$test["test_name"]);
    $arg3 = str_replace(" ", "...",$test["home_url"]);
    $arg4 = str_replace(" ", "...",$test["start_id"]);
    $arg5 = str_replace(" ", "...",$test["receiver_price_local"]);
    $arg6 = str_replace(" ", "...",$test["receiver_price_foreign"]);     
    $arg7 = str_replace(" ", "...",$test["receiver_phone"]);
    $arg8 = str_replace(" ", "...",$test["receiver_first_name"]);
    $arg9 = str_replace(" ", "...",$test["receiver_last_name"]);
    $arg10 = str_replace(" ", "...",$test["paypal_email"]);
    $arg11 = str_replace(" ", "...",$test["paypal_pwd"]);   
    $arg12 = str_replace(" ", "...",$launch_time); 

    $string_to_write = "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n";
    $string_to_write.= "A test has been carried out with the following details \n";
    $string_to_write.= "Browser: ".$browser."\n";   
    $string_to_write.= "Country Code: ".$country_code."\n";
    $string_to_write.= "Test name: ".$test["test_name"]."\n";
    $string_to_write.= "Home URL: ".$test["home_url"]."\n";
    $string_to_write.= "Test ID: ".$test["start_id"]."\n";  
    $string_to_write.= "Item Price (local): ".$test["receiver_price_local"]."\n";   
    $string_to_write.= "Item Price (Foreign): ".$test["receiver_price_foreign"]."\n";
    $string_to_write.= "Receiver first name: ".$test["receiver_first_name"]."\n";
    $string_to_write.= "Receiver last name: ".$test["receiver_last_name"]."\n";
    $string_to_write.= "Receiver phone: ".$test["receiver_phone"]."\n";
    $string_to_write.= "Client email: ".$test["paypal_email"]."\n";

    // launches the ruby irb script to run selenium driver for browser
    //$mytest ="ruby C:/wamp/www/voucher_test/test_purchase.rb $arg0 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3  $arg4 $arg5 $arg6 $arg7 $arg8 $arg9  $arg10 $arg11  $arg12";

    //echo $mytest;
    $outp = system("ruby C:/wamp/www/voucher_test/test_purchase.rb $arg0 $arg1 $arg2 $arg3  $arg4 $arg5 $arg6 $arg7 $arg8 $arg9  $arg10 $arg11  $arg12");

    // Check for fail
    echo "Watir script returned:\n" . strtoupper($outp) . "\n dbg pos:" . strpos("PASS", strtoupper($outp)) . "\n";
    if (strpos("FAIL", strtoupper($outp)) || strpos("ERROR",strtoupper($outp)) ) 
        echo "Test Failed .. emailing Admin ..\n\n";
        //writeToLog($browser, $country_code, $test, $launch_time, "FAIL");
        $string_to_write.= "Test failed. Watir returned output: ".strtoupper($outp)."\n";

    } elseif (strpos(strtoupper($outp), "PASS") ) {
        echo "Test Passed \n\n";
        //writeToLog($browser, $country_code, $test, $launch_time, "PASS");
        $string_to_write.= "Test passed. Watir returned output: ".strtoupper($outp)."\n";
    } else 
        echo "Unknown test status\n$outp\n\n";
        $string_to_write.= "Unknown test status. Watir returned output: ".strtoupper($outp)."\n";
        //writeToLog($browser, $country_code, $test, $launch_time, "FAIL");

    $string_to_write.= "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n \n";

    //Write to the log file

And this is my ruby code;

# Generic test for header.php links
# Reference: https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/RubyBindings

# Get commandline arguments
browser_select = ARGV[0].dup
browser_select.gsub! '...', ' '

country_code = ARGV[1].dup
country_code.gsub! '...', ' '

test_name = ARGV[2].dup
test_name.gsub! '...', ' '

home_url = ARGV[3].dup
home_url.gsub! '...', ' '

start_id = ARGV[4].dup
start_id.gsub! '...', ' '

receiver_price_local = ARGV[5].dup
receiver_price_local.gsub! '...', ' '

receiver_price_foreign = ARGV[6].dup
receiver_price_foreign.gsub! '...', ' '

receiver_phone = ARGV[7].dup
receiver_phone.gsub! '...', ' '

receiver_first_name = ARGV[8].dup
receiver_first_name.gsub! '...', ' '

receiver_last_name = ARGV[9].dup
receiver_last_name.gsub! '...', ' '

paypal_email = ARGV[10].dup
paypal_email.gsub! '...', ' '

paypal_pwd = ARGV[11].dup
paypal_pwd.gsub! '...', ' '

launch_time = ARGV[12].dup
launch_time.gsub! '...', ' '

screenshot_url = "C:/wamp/www/voucher_test/screenshots/"

p "Running test: " + test_name 

p "  launch_time:" + launch_time
p "  country_code:" + country_code
p "  home_url:" + home_url
p "  start_id:" + start_id
p "  receiver_price_local:" + receiver_price_local
p "  receiver_price_foreign:" + receiver_price_foreign
p "  receiver_phone:" + receiver_phone
p "  receiver_first_name:" + receiver_first_name
p "  receiver_last_name:" + receiver_last_name
p "  paypal_email:" + paypal_email
p "  paypal_pwd:" + paypal_pwd

# Start watir/selenium
require "selenium-webdriver"

p "Running " + browser_select + " browser "
if browser_select.include? "firefox"
    browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
elsif browser_select.include? "chrome"
    browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
elsif browser_select.include? "opera"
    browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for :opera
elsif browser_select.include? "internet_explorer"
    browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for :internet_explorer

status = "NOT RUN"

# wait for a specific element to show up
wait = Selenium::WebDriver::Wait.new(:timeout => 15) # seconds

# Start at home page
browser.navigate.to home_url
#browser.get home_url
# wait till timeout
wait.until {
    browser.current_url.include? home_url
url = browser.current_url
if url.include? home_url
    p "Successfully navigated to home url:" + home_url 
    status = "OK"
    p "ERROR0001: Failed to navigate to home_url:" + home_url 
    browser.save_screenshot(screenshot_url + test_name + "_ERROR0001_Homepage_" + launch_time + ".jpg")
    status = "FAIL ERROR0001"

# Go to item link on home page
if status == "OK"
    p "Description attempting to select item: " + start_id + "  ..... "

    browser.find_element(id: start_id).click
    dest_url = home_url + "/receiver_vchr.php"
    #dest_text = "Voucher's Value"
    dest_text  = "receiver_amount_in_local";

    # wait till timeout
    wait.until {
        browser.current_url.include? dest_url
    url = browser.current_url
    if url.include? dest_url
       p "Navigated to " + dest_url + " successfully"

       # Check page contents
        src = browser.page_source
        if src.include? dest_text
           p "OK  > Found familiar content on destination page"
           # now load form
           browser.find_element(id: "receiver_first_name").send_keys receiver_first_name
           browser.find_element(id: "receiver_last_name").send_keys receiver_last_name
           browser.find_element(id: "receiver_phone").send_keys receiver_phone
           browser.find_element(id: "phoneConfirm").send_keys receiver_phone
           # submit form
           browser.find_element(name: "send").submit
           status = "OK"           
           p "ERROR0002.2: Failed to see familiar text destination url: " + dest_url + ", saving screenshot"
           browser.save_screenshot(screenshot_url + test_name + "_ERROR0002.2_" + launch_time + ".jpg")

           # end and close browser
           status = "FAIL ERROR0002.2"
        p "ERROR0002.1: Failed to navigate to dest_url:" + dest_url 
        browser.save_screenshot(screenshot_url + test_name + "_ERROR0002.1_" + launch_time + ".jpg")
        # end and close browser
        status = "FAIL ERROR0002.1"

# Go to confirm page
if status == "OK"
    p "Description attempting to submit confirmation form ..... "

    dest_url = home_url + "/process_vchr.php"

    # wait till timeout
    wait.until {
        browser.current_url.include? dest_url
    url = browser.current_url
    if url.include? dest_url
       p "Navigated to " + dest_url + " successfully"

       # Check page contents
        src = browser.page_source

        if ( (src.include? receiver_first_name) && 
            (src.include? receiver_last_name) && 
            (src.include? receiver_phone) && 
            (src.include? receiver_price_foreign) && 
            (src.include? receiver_price_local)  )
           p "OK  > Found familiar content on destination page"

           # submit form
           browser.find_element(name: "send").submit
           status = "OK"           
           p "ERROR0002.4: Failed to see familiar text destination url: " + dest_url + ", saving screenshot"
           browser.save_screenshot(screenshot_url + test_name + "_ERROR0002.4_" + launch_time + ".jpg")
           # end and close browser
           status = "FAIL ERROR0002.4"
        p "ERROR0002.3: Failed to navigate to dest_url:" + dest_url 
        browser.save_screenshot(screenshot_url + test_name + "_ERROR0002.3_" + launch_time + ".jpg")
        # end and close browser
        status = "FAIL ERROR0002.3"

# Go to paypal
if status == "OK"
    p "Description attempting to log into paypal for payment, choose payment method ..... "

    dest_url = "paypal.com"

    # wait till timeout
    wait.until {
        browser.current_url.include? dest_url
    url = browser.current_url
    if url.include? dest_url
       p "Navigated to " + dest_url + " successfully"

       # Check page contents
        src = browser.page_source

        if ( (src.include? "Pay with my PayPal account") &&
            (src.include? "login_email") &&  
            (src.include? "login_password"))
           p "OK  > Found familiar content on destination page"

           # submit form
           browser.find_element(name: "login_email").send_keys paypal_email
           browser.find_element(name: "login_password").send_keys paypal_pwd
           browser.find_element(name: "login.x").submit
           status = "OK"           
            if ( (src.include? "Pay with my PayPal account") 
                  (src.include? "login_button")) 
                p "OK  > Choosing paypal account login"

                browser.find_element(id: "loadLogin").click
                status = "OK"

                src = browser.page_source

                if ( (src.include? "Pay with my PayPal account") &&
                    (src.include? "login_email") &&  
                    (src.include? "login_password"))
                   p "OK  > Found familiar content on destination page"

                   # submit form
                   browser.find_element(id: "login_email").send_keys paypal_email
                   browser.find_element(id: "login_password").send_keys paypal_pwd
                   browser.find_element(name: "login.x").click
                   status = "OK"  
                   p "ERROR0002.7: Failed to see familiar text destination url: " + dest_url + ", saving screenshot"
                   browser.save_screenshot(screenshot_url + test_name + "_ERROR0002.7_" + launch_time + ".jpg")
                   # end and close browser
                   status = "FAIL ERROR0002.7"
                p "ERROR0002.6: Failed to see familiar text destination url: " + dest_url + ", saving screenshot"
               browser.save_screenshot(screenshot_url + test_name + "_ERROR0002.6_" + launch_time + ".jpg")
               # end and close browser
               status = "FAIL ERROR0002.6"
        p "ERROR0002.5: Failed to navigate to dest_url:" + dest_url 
        browser.save_screenshot(screenshot_url + test_name + "_ERROR0002.5_" + launch_time + ".jpg")
        # end and close browser
        status = "FAIL ERROR0002.5"

# Go to paypal info review and pay confirmation
if status == "OK"
    p "Description attempting to review into paypal info and submit payment ..... "

    #dest_url = "paypal.com"
    dest_url  = "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr";

    # wait till timeout
    wait.until {
        browser.current_url.include? dest_url
    url = browser.current_url
    if url.include? dest_url
       p "Navigated to " + dest_url + " successfully"

       # submit form
       browser.find_element(name: "continue").click
       status = "OK"           

        p "ERROR0002.8: Failed to navigate to dest_url:" + dest_url 
        browser.save_screenshot(screenshot_url + test_name + "_ERROR0002.8_" + launch_time + ".jpg")
        # end and close browser
        status = "FAIL ERROR0002.8"

# Return to home_url
if status == "OK"

    p "Description attempting to redirect to home url for completion and messaging submit to receiver ..... "

    dest_url = home_url

    # wait till timeout
    wait.until {
        browser.current_url.include? dest_url
    url = browser.current_url
    if url.include? dest_url
       p "Navigated to " + dest_url + " successfully"

       # Check page contents
        src = browser.page_source

        if ( (src.include? "Thank you for your purchase!")  &&
            (src.include? receiver_price_foreign) && 
            (src.include? receiver_price_local)   )
           p "OK  > Found familiar content on destination page"

           # Done
           status = "PASS"           
           p "ERROR0002.11: Failed to see familiar text destination url: " + dest_url + ", saving screenshot"
           browser.save_screenshot(screenshot_url + test_name + "_ERROR0002.11_" + launch_time + ".jpg")
           # end and close browser
           status = "FAIL ERROR0002.11"
        p "ERROR0002.10: Failed to navigate to dest_url:" + dest_url 
        browser.save_screenshot(screenshot_url + test_name + "_ERROR0002.10_" + launch_time + ".jpg")
        # end and close browser
        status = "FAIL ERROR0002.10"

# status string must be on last line of output
p "Done test:" + test_name + " : " + status + ".. exiting"


Any help??

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