Hi DaniWebGroup,
This is Sirisha i have problem with drag and drop controls in .net 3.0 +Windows Presentation Foundation.The code is given below.My question is, without using Listbox or using with list box i want code in C#.net so that i can move stack panel containing complete controls to new location in Grid.If you observe their are two textbox controls in one stack panel.I want to move those two textbox controls to new location at a time.If you can help me ,please send the reply as soon as possible.
Thanking You,
<Grid Width="400" Height="50">
<ListBox x:Name ="Lst" Width="600" Height="25"
<StackPanel Orientation ="Horizontal" Name="stck1" Grid.Row ="0" >
<TextBox Name="txb1" Text="Name" Height="25" Width="120"></TextBox>
<TextBox Name="txt1" Text="Sirisha" Height="25" Width="450"></TextBox>
<StackPanel Orientation ="Horizontal" Name="stck2" Grid.Row ="1">
<TextBox Name ="txb2" Text="Rollno" Height="25" Width="120" ></TextBox>
<TextBox Name="txt2" Text="75" Height="25" Width="120"></TextBox>