Silo45 0 Newbie Poster

Hi guys I need help debugging My program I'm not sure why it doesn't work I'm not THAT good at assembly so it might be a small bug. I wanted to post the code, But its a lot of code. Everything works fine until I need to input numbers I enter

mov ah,0ah but for some reason it skips that part.

Ill post the code anyways for anyone that wants to take a look.

I highlighted the part thats giving me problems but you guys can take a look at the last part of the assignment, that would also be great.

Thanx in Advance.

Problems start from line 336. (if you copy the code)

data segment
 sentence db 30h dup(?)
 temp2 db 11h dup(?)
 numbers db 100h dup(?)
 crlf db 10,13,'$'
 Sone db 'Enter First Sentance(Press Enter When Finished):',10,13,'$'
 Stwo db 'The Number Of Words Is:   ',10,13,'$'
 Sthree db 'You Can Only Enter Small Letters!!!',10,13,'$'
 Sfour db 'Please Enter 6 numbers',10,13,'$'
 Sfive db 'Press Enter For Next Number',10,13,'$'
 Letters db '00000000000000000000000000',10,13,'$'
 num db 5,?,5 dup(0)    

 ct db '1',10,13,'$'
 temp dw 31
data ends

sseg segment stack 'stack'
 db 100 dup ()
sseg ends

code segment
   assume cs:code, ds:data 

    input db 32,?,32 dup(?) ;get user input
    num2 db 5,?,5 dup(0)    ;number input
    number db ? ;the converted number
    base db ?   ;base of number
    digits db ? ;number of digits in entered number
    multiply db ?   ;increasing multiply constant - use to assembel number
    Tab db 6 dup(0) ;array of the six numbers entered
    TabSigned dw 6 dup(0)   ;entered 'Tab' array as signed numbers
    sum_signed dw 0
    sum_unsigned dw 0
    sign db ?
    hex db '0h$'

    ;output display messages
    msg1 db 'Sum of ''Tab'' numbers (unsigned - decimal): $'
    msg2 db 'Sum of ''Tab'' numbers (unsigned - hexadecimal): $'
    msg3 db 'Sum of ''Tab'' numbers (signed - decimal): $'
    msg4 db 'Sum of ''Tab'' numbers (signed - hexadecimal): $'
    msg5 db 'PSP address (hex): $'
    msg6 db 'Data segment address (hex): $'
    msg7 db 'Stack segment address (hex): $'
    msg8 db 'Code segment address (hex): $'
    msg9 db 'Sorted array ''tab'' (unsigned) :$'
    msg10 db 'Sorted array ''tab'' (signed) :$'

;******** MACROS ************  
PHex macro
    mov ah,9
    mov dx,offset hex
    int 21h

Print1 macro number,base,sign   ;sign=0 -> unsigned number, sign=1 -> signed number
    local @Pos,@NumLoop,@Display,@Above9,@Next

    cmp sign,1
    jne @Pos
    add number,0
    jns @Pos
    push ax
    mov ah,2
    mov dl,'-'
    int 21h
    pop ax
    neg number
    mov cx,0
    mov ax,number
    mov dx,0
    mov bl,base
    mov bh,0
    div bx
    push dx
    inc cx
    cmp ax,0
    jne @NumLoop
    mov ah,2
    pop dx
    cmp dx,9
    jg @Above9
    add dl,'0'
    jmp @next
    sub dx,10
    add dx,'A'
    int 21h
    loop @Display

BubbleSort: ;sorting array function
    push cx
    sub dx,dx   ;flag (if flag=0 -> end of sorting)
    mov di,0
    cmp sign,1
    je @LoopSigned
        mov al,[bx+di]
        cmp al,[bx+di+1]
        jbe @ContinueUnsigned
        xchg al,[bx+di+1]
        xchg [bx+di],al
        inc dx
        inc di
        loop @LoopUnsigned
        pop cx
        cmp dx,0
        loopne BubbleSort

        mov ax,[bx+di]
        cmp ax,[bx+di+2]
        jle @ContinueSigned
        xchg ax,[bx+di+2]
        xchg [bx+di],ax
        inc dx
        add di,2
        loop @LoopSigned
        pop cx
        cmp dx,0
        loopne BubbleSort
Convert macro   ;converts the entered number in base number.
            ;base can be modified.
    push cx
    mov multiply,1
    mov ch,0
    mov cl,digits
    mov number,0    ;reset 'number' before start converting
    mov di,cx
    dec di
    cmp di,0
    jl @return
    cmp num[di+2],'-'
    je @IsNegative
    mov al,num[di+2]
    sub al,'0'
    mul multiply
    add number,al
    mov al,base
    mul multiply
    mov multiply,al
    loop @MakeNum
    jmp @return
    mov al,number
    neg al
    mov number,al
    mov al,number
    pop cx

;******************** START *****************   
start:mov ax,data
      mov ds,ax

;************** * *******************      
      mov ah,9
      mov dx, offset Sone
      int 21h

      mov cx,30      
      mov ah,9     
      mov dx, offset Sthree
      int 21h

      mov cx,31

      mov ah,1
      int 21h

      cmp al,13
      je Inputend

      cmp al,20h
      je add_space

      cmp al,61h
      jl start_again

      cmp al,7ah
      jg start_again 

      mov dx,temp
      sub dx,cx
      mov bx,dx
      mov sentence[bx],al
      cmp al,20h
      jne lt_count
loop input1

              inc bx    
              mov sentence[bx],'$'
              mov temp,bx

      mov ah,09
      mov dx, offset crlf
      int 21h
      mov dx, offset sentence
      int 21h

      jmp Stage2

      mov ah,09
      mov dx, offset crlf
      int 21h
      mov ah,2
      mov dl,7
      int 21h
      mov cx,26
      mov bx,0

clear:mov dl,'0'
      mov letters[bx],dl
      inc bx
loop clear 

      mov ct,'1'     
loop Again 

      inc ct
loop input1

     sub al,61h
     mov ah,00h
     mov si,ax
     add ds:[Letters+si],1
loop input1

;*************** * ******************      
      mov ah,09
      mov dx, offset crlf
      int 21h

      mov ah,09
      mov dx, offset Stwo
      int 21h

      mov ah,09
      mov dx,offset [ct]
      int 21h

;************** * *********************
      mov cx,26
      mov dl,61h
      mov bx,0
      mov ah,2
      int 21h
      inc dl
      push dx
      mov dl,':'
      int 21h
      mov dl,Letters[bx]
      int 21h
      mov dl,' '
      int 21h
      pop dx
      inc bx

loop PrintLetters     

      mov ah,09
      mov dx, offset crlf
      int 21h  

;**************** * *****************

      mov cx,temp
      mov bx,0
      mov si,0
      mov ct,'0'
words:mov al,sentence[si]
      mov temp2[bx],al

      cmp al,00h
      je Print_word

      inc ct
      inc si
      inc bx
loop words  

      mov temp2[bx],'$'
      mov ah,9
      mov dx,offset temp2
      int 21h
      mov ah,2
      mov dl,'('
      int 21h
      mov dl,[ct]
      int 21h
      mov dl,')'
      int 21h
      mov dl,' '
      int 21h
      mov bx,0
      mov ct,'0'
      inc si
      cmp cx,0h
      je stage5
loop words 

;**************** 5 ******************
;Question #4:

    putstr Sfour
    putstr Sfive
    mov cx,6
    mov si,0    ;number position at 'Tab'
    mov ah,0Ah
    mov dx,offset num2 
    int 21h
    mov al,num2+1
    mov digits,al
    mov base,10
    mov Tab[si],al
    inc si
    loop @GetNum

    lea bx,Tab
    mov cx,6
    mov dx,0
    ;sum of UNSIGNED numbers
    mov ax,word ptr sum_unsigned
    mov dl,[bx]
    add ax,dx
    mov sum_unsigned,ax
    inc bx
    loop @DoSumUnsigned

    lea bx,Tab
    mov cx,6
    mov ax,0
    ;sum of SIGNED number
    mov al,byte ptr sum_signed
    add al,[bx]
    jo @Correct
    mov byte ptr sum_signed,al
    inc bx
    loop @DoSumSigned
    jmp @DoneSumSigned
    mov al,byte ptr sum_signed
    mov sum_signed,ax
    mov al,[bx]
    add sum_signed,ax
    inc bx
    loop @again

    ;print numbers : signed/unsigned & decimal/hexadecimal
    putstr msg1
    mov base,10
    mov sign,0
    Print1 sum_unsigned,base,sign

    putstr msg2
    mov base,16
    mov sign,0
    Print1 sum_unsigned,base,sign
    mov ah,2
    mov dx,'h'
    int 21h

    putstr msg3
    mov base,10
    mov sign,1
    Print1 sum_signed,base,sign

    putstr msg4
    mov base,16
    mov sign,1
    Print1 sum_signed,base,sign
    mov ah,2
    mov dx,'h'
    int 21h

    ;QUESTION #5
    ;print PSP,data,sseg & code addresses

    mov base,16
    mov sign,0
    putstr msg5
    mov dx,offset es
    Print1 dx,base,sign

    putstr msg6
    mov dx,offset data
    Print1 dx,base,sign

    putstr msg7
    mov dx,offset sseg
    Print1 dx,base,sign

    putstr msg8
    mov dx,offset code
    Print1 dx,base,sign

    ;QUESTION #6
    ;sort array of signed & unsigned entered numbers

    ;create new array of 'Tab' as signed numbers
    lea bx,Tab
    mov si,0
    mov cx,6
    mov ah,0
    mov al,[bx]
    add al,0
    jns @IsPositive
    neg al
    neg ax
    cmp ax,128
    jne @IsPositive
    mov TabSigned+si,ax
    inc bx
    add si,2
    loop @MakeTabSigned

    putstr msg9

    ;bubble sort of original 'Tab' array & printing it
    mov cx,5
    lea bx,Tab  ;offset of specific 'tab'
    mov sign,0
    call BubbleSort

    ;print the sorted array
    mov cx,6
    mov base,10
    mov di,0
    mov al,[bx+di]
    mov ah,0
    push cx
    push bx
    Print1 ax,base,sign
    pop bx
    pop cx
    mov ah,2
    mov dx,';'
    int 21h
    inc di
    loop @PrintUnsignedSortedArray

    putstr msg10

    ;bubble sort of 'Tab' as signed array & printing it
    mov cx,5
    lea bx,TabSigned    ;offset of specific 'tab'
    mov sign,1
    call BubbleSort

    ;print the sorted array
    mov cx,6
    mov base,10
    mov di,0
    mov ax,[bx+di]
    push cx
    push bx
    Print1 ax,base,sign
    pop bx
    pop cx
    mov ah,2
    mov dx,';'
    int 21h
    add di,2
    loop @PrintSignedSortedArray


;**************** END ***************      
      mov ah,4ch
      int 21h

code ends
end start