mirakl 0 Newbie Poster

hi, I am finishing up a program and in the program I need to add numbers after a certain number example

for every ten numbers
30, 40, 50

i need to add .125

i have this so far

if ( age > 30 % 10 == 0 ) // Formula checks to see if a number is even
jacket = height * weight / 288 + 0.125;

if my age equals 60 then i need to add .125 three times and i just dont now how to do that

This is my whole program so far

// Include Section
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

// Main Program
int main( )
// Constant Declarations

// Variable Declations

double age;       // Age of the person
double weight;    // The weight of the person in pounds
double height; // The height of the person in inches
double hsize;  // The persons hat size
double jacket; // The Jacket size
double waist;  // The persons waist size
char ans;      // Answer to repeat the program

// Output Identification
cout << "Take Home #7 by Erik Tremaine - "
<< "Clothing Size Program\n\n";


cout << "Enter your height in inches: ";
cin >> height;

cout << "Enter your weight in pounds: ";
cin >> weight;

cout << "Enter your age in years: ";
cin >> age;

cout << "\n";

//////// Hat Size Formula /////////////////

hsize = weight / height * 2.9; // Formula to calculate hat size.

///////// Jacket Formula //////////////////

jacket = height * weight / 288;

////////// Waist Formula /////////////////////

waist = weight / 5.7;


if ( age > 30 % 10 == 0 ) // Formula checks to see if a number is even
jacket = height * weight / 288 + 0.125;
if ( age > 28 % 2 == 0 )
waist = weight / 5.7 + 0.1;
jacket = height * weight / 288;
waist = weight / 5.7;

//////// Answer Outputs /////////////////////


cout << "Your Hat Size is ";
cout << hsize << "." << "\n";

cout << "Your Jacket Size is ";
cout << jacket << "." << "\n";

cout << "Your Waist Size is ";
cout << waist << "." << "\n\n";

///////// Loop Program ////////////

cout << "Would you lilke to run the program again (Y or N)? ";
cin >> ans;
cout << "\n";

} while (ans == 'y' || ans == 'Y');

cout << "End Program" << "\n";

return 0;
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