Hello world

YoungCoder 0 Tallied Votes 127 Views Share

The allmighty hello world application!

<? echo("Hello World"); ?>
Dani 4,445 The Queen of DaniWeb Administrator Featured Poster Premium Member

Foo. :)

namit 0 Light Poster


Member Avatar for Electrohead

EEK! I'm confused already! :lol:

Sp!ke 13 Light Poster

No no no...it's

<?php echo 'Foo Bar :P'; ?>
greenphpcoder 0 Newbie Poster

i always thought it was

print("Hello World");

Dani 4,445 The Queen of DaniWeb Administrator Featured Poster Premium Member

Foo Bar Baz Bat!

n00b 0 Newbie Poster



azharcs 0 Newbie Poster

wow man

For a second i thought i knew everything in php.But you made me realise that there is lots more with this code.
Thanks man for enlightening me.

chumsie 0 Newbie Poster

echo"I hope I can Understand more on php";

omol -2 Junior Poster

Pfft, zends too slow for this kind of program. I demand my hello world to be as fast as possible.

section .text	
global _start
mov     edx,len
mov     ecx,msg
mov     ebx,1
mov     eax,4
int     0x80
mov	ebx,0
mov     eax,1 
int     0x80

section .data

msg     db      "Hello, world!",0xa
len     equ     $ - msg
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