Image Swap with the Mouse

vegaseat 0 Tallied Votes 168 Views Share

Swap two images as you move your mouse in and out of the image field. Uses onMouseOver, onMouseOut and a short javascript code.

<!-- Experiments with images  vegaseat  6/15/04 -->
<!-- onMouseOver, onMouseOut, JS -->


	<title>Swap Images with onMouseOver and onMouseOut</title>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFCC" text="#3300FF">

<FORM NAME = form1>
Move the mouse across to swap the image ...
<A HREF="" name= link1 onMouseOver = "ImgOver()" onMouseOut = "ImgOut()">
    <IMG NAME = "IMG1" SRC = "c:/windows/web/wallpaper/follow.jpg" WIDTH = 800 HEIGHT = 600>


function ImgOver()
  // use an image file you have or use one of XP's wallpaper
  document.form1.IMG1.src = 'c:/windows/web/wallpaper/home.jpg';

function ImgOut()
  // use an image file you have or use one of XP's wallpaper
  document.form1.IMG1.src = 'c:/windows/web/wallpaper/follow.jpg';


egaus 0 Newbie Poster

Is no closing <form> tag required here? What could you use to give a name to instead of a form to refer to in the document.whatever.IMG1.src line? I've tried using several things I give names to but they don't work. Hmm..

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wiko 0 Newbie Poster


almostbob 866 Retired: passive income ROCKS

the code is unneccessarily complex

<img src='image1.jpg' onmouseover='src="image2.jpg";' onmouseout='src="image1.jpg";'>

the only javascript required is to load the second image in the background after the page is loaded and displayed, so there is no mouseover delay

 ...snip .. 

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
image2 = new Image();
image2.src = "image2.jpg";
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