Background Color Changer

vegaseat 0 Tallied Votes 187 Views Share

Shows how to connect a button onclick event to a javascript function to change the background color of the document. Just cut and paste the code into Notepad or other editor, save as BGchanger.htm and run it on your browser.

	<title>Background Color Changer</title>
<script language = JavaScript>
function BG_yellow()
  document.bgColor = 0xFFFF00

function BG_thistle()
  document.bgColor = 0xD8BFD8

function BG_plum()
  document.bgColor = 0xDDA0DD

function BG_red()
  document.bgColor = 0xFF0000
<body >

<font face="comic sans ms">
Set the background color
<input type = button value = "Make background Yellow " onclick = "BG_yellow()"> 
<input type = button value = "Make background Thistle" onclick = "BG_thistle()"> 
<input type = button value = "Make background Plum   " onclick = "BG_plum()"> 
<input type = button value = "Make background Red    " onclick = "BG_red()"> 

techy 0 Newbie Poster


damondash 0 Unverified User

nice Keep it up

TechnoLady 0 Newbie Poster


Am learning more from you than 1 year at college. Great work.

fai_zal1 0 Newbie Poster

very good

Mohan0704 0 Newbie Poster

Next time,
Try make the webpage XHTML 1.1/1.0 compliant.

It's much easier to read and will prevent browser errors.

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