Menu Class - Automatic Menus Using PHP!

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menuWerx is a PHP class to generate a menu for your site. Options include: debug mode, horizontal or vertical orientation & hooks, optional inline styles, and strict or transitional modes. See an example at:

LastMitch commented: Nice Work! +12
menuwerx.php:     (example of implementation)
$menu = new menuWerx();

*	menuWerx - Menu creation class for PHP
*	version: 	1.0a
*	File:		menuwerx.config.php
*	Liscense:	GNU -
*	Author:		Heath Nail
*	Website:
*	Email:
                  // Configuration settings
            $this->aSettings['debug']     = false;			// true to debug "UGLY!!", false for production sites
			$this->aSettings['orientation'] = 'horizontal';		// 'horizontal' or 'vertical' CSS can be edited below
			$this->aSettings['useInlineStyle'] ='yes';		// 'yes' turns on inline styles, 'no' disables inline styles
			// 'strict' disables use of target attribute
			// 'transitional' enables use of target attribute
			$this->aSettings['mode'] = 'strict';
					// Menu details.
					// First page.  The first or leftmost menu item should be page[1]!

            $this->pages[1]['link']  = "menuwerx.php";			// filename
            $this->pages[1]['name']  = "Test Page 1";			// Name displayed on the menu
            $this->pages[1]['title'] = "The First Test Page";		// Title / Description of the link
            $this->pages[1]['target']     = "_top";				// _top opens in current window _blank opens in new window
            													// for more info on target goto
					// Second page

            $this->pages[2]['link']  = "menuwerx2.php";
            $this->pages[2]['name']  = "Test Page 2";
            $this->pages[2]['title'] = "The Second Test Page";
            $this->pages[2]['target']     = "_top";
                  // Third page
            $this->pages[3]['link']  = "menuwerx3.php";
            $this->pages[3]['name']  = "Test Page 3";
            $this->pages[3]['title'] = "The Third Test Page";
            $this->pages[3]['target']     = "_top";
                  // Fourth page
            $this->pages[4]['link']  = "index4.php";
            $this->pages[4]['name']  = "Test Page 4";
            $this->pages[4]['title'] = "The Fourth Test Page";
            $this->pages[4]['target']     = "_top";
                  // Fifth page
            $this->pages[5]['link']  = "index5.php";
            $this->pages[5]['name']  = "Test Page 5";
            $this->pages[5]['title'] = "The Fifth Test Page";
            $this->pages[5]['target']     = "_top";

					// 'vertical' css check out listamatic for cool ways to
					// style your lists
			$this->css['vertical'] = "
#menuWerx { width: 200px; }

#menuWerx ul
	margin-left: 0;
	padding-left: 0;
	list-style-type: none;
	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

#menuWerx a
	display: block;
	padding: 3px;
	width: 160px;
	background-color: #036;
	border-bottom: 1px solid #eee;

#menuWerx a:link, #menuWerx-list a:visited
	color: #EEE;
	text-decoration: none;

#menuWerx a:hover
	background-color: #369;
	color: #fff;

#active a
	background-color: #369;

					// 'horizontal' css check out listamatic for cool ways to
					// style your lists
			$this->css['horizontal'] = "
#menuWerx ul
	padding-left: 0;
	margin-left: 0;
	background-color: #036;
	color: White;
	float: left;
	width: 100%;
	font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;

#menuWerx ul li { display: inline; }

#menuWerx ul li a
	padding: 0.2em 1em;
	background-color: #036;
	color: White;
	text-decoration: none;
	float: left;
	border-right: 1px solid #fff;

#menuWerx ul li a:hover
	background-color: #369;
	color: #fff;

#menuWerx ul li#active a
	background-color: #369;

*	menuWerx - Menu creation class for PHP
*	version: 	1.0a
*	File:		menuwerx.class.php
*	Liscense:	GNU -
*	Author:		Heath Nail
*	Website:
*	Email:
class menuWerx
      //var $aSettings;
      function menuWerx()
                  // Initialization functions - please do not edit unless you know
                  // what you are doing.
			if($this->active_link != "")
                  foreach($this->pages as $key => $page)
                        if($page['link'] == $this->active_link)
                              $this->pages[$key]['active'] = true;
            $this->pages = $this->positionHori($this->pages);
            $this->pages = $this->makeURLs($this->pages);
            $this->pages = $this->wrapLI($this->pages);
            $this->pages = $this->wrapUL($this->pages);
			$this->pages = $this->wrapDiv($this->pages);
			$this->pages = $this->addStyle($this->pages);
            // Debug function - just echos values...
      function deBug($id = "", $value)
            if($this->aSettings['debug'] == true)
                  if(is_array($value) || is_object($value))
                        echo("Debug info: $id \n");
                        echo("Debug info: $id \n");
	  		// Determines the active page
	function getActiveLink()
		$this->script = getenv('SCRIPT_NAME');
		$this->script_exp = explode('/', $this->script);
		$this->script_exp_cnt = count($this->script_exp) - 1;
		$this->active_link = $this->script_exp[$this->script_exp_cnt];
            // Determines the horizontal or vertical position of the menu li elements.  This
            // position is determined by the order of the array.  1st element is
            // 'far_left' or 'top', in between elements are 'between', and last element is
            // 'far_right' or 'bottom'.  The value is stored in the ['position'] index.

      function positionHori($pages_array)
            $num_of_pages = count($pages_array);
            foreach($pages_array as $key => $page)
				if($key == 1 && $this->aSettings['orientation'] == "horizontal")
					{$pages_array[$key]['position'] = 'far_left';}
				if($key == 1 && $this->aSettings['orientation'] == "vertical")
					{$pages_array[$key]['position'] = 'top';}
				if($key != 1 && $key != $num_of_pages)
					{$pages_array[$key]['position'] = 'between';}
				if($key == $num_of_pages && $this->aSettings['orientation'] == "horizontal")
					{$pages_array[$key]['position'] = 'far_right';}
				if($key == $num_of_pages && $this->aSettings['orientation'] == "vertical")
					{$pages_array[$key]['position'] = 'bottom';}
            $this->deBug("position", $pages_array);
            return $pages_array;

            // Takes pages array and adds ['URL'] index with the actual URL as
            // the value
      function makeURLs($pages_array)
            if($this->aSettings['mode'] == 'transitional')
				foreach($pages_array as $key => $page)
                  	$pages_array[$key]['URL'] = '<a title="' . $page['title'] .
                        	'" target="' . $page['target'] .
                        	'" href="' . $page['link'] .'">' .
                        	$page['name'] . '</a>';
            	$this->deBug("makeURLs", $pages_array);
            	return $pages_array;
            if($this->aSettings['mode'] == 'strict')
				foreach($pages_array as $key => $page)
                  	$pages_array[$key]['URL'] = '<a title="' . $page['title'] .
                        	'" href="' . $page['link'] .'">' .
                        	$page['name'] . '</a>';
            	$this->deBug("makeURLs", $pages_array);
            	return $pages_array;
            // Wraps the pages array ['URL'] with li tags and creates another index
            // of ['li']

      function wrapLI($pages_array)
            foreach($pages_array as $key => $page)
                  if($page['position'] == "between" && !isset($page['active']))
                        $pages_array[$key]['li'] = '<li>' . $page['URL'] . '</li>' . "\n";
                  if($page['position'] == "between" && isset($page['active']))
                        $pages_array[$key]['li'] = '<li id="active">' . $page['URL'] . '</li>' . "\n";
				  // Left
                  if($page['position'] == "far_left" && !isset($page['active']))
                        $pages_array[$key]['li'] = '<li class="far_left">' . $page['URL'] . '</li>' . "\n";
                  if($page['position'] == "far_left" && isset($page['active']))
                        $pages_array[$key]['li'] = '<li id="active" class="far_left">' .
                              $page['URL'] . '</li>' . "\n";
				  // Right
                  if($page['position'] == "far_right" && !isset($page['active']))
                        $pages_array[$key]['li'] = '<li class="far_right">' . $page['URL'] . '</li>' . "\n";
                  if($page['position'] == "far_right" && isset($page['active']))
                        $pages_array[$key]['li'] = '<li id="active" class="far_right">' .
                              $page['URL'] . '</li>' . "\n";
				  // Top
                  if($page['position'] == "top" && !isset($page['active']))
                        $pages_array[$key]['li'] = '<li class="top">' . $page['URL'] . '</li>' . "\n";
                  if($page['position'] == "top" && isset($page['active']))
                        $pages_array[$key]['li'] = '<li id="active" class="top">' .
                              $page['URL'] . '</li>' . "\n";
				  // Bottom
                  if($page['position'] == "bottom" && !isset($page['active']))
                        $pages_array[$key]['li'] = '<li class="bottom">' . $page['URL'] . '</li>' . "\n";
                  if($page['position'] == "bottom" && isset($page['active']))
                        $pages_array[$key]['li'] = '<li id="active" class="bottom">' .
                              $page['URL'] . '</li>' . "\n";
            $this->deBug("wrapLI", $pages_array);
            return $pages_array;
            // Wraps the menu in <ul> tags and returns the finished menu as a string.

      function wrapUL($pages_array)
            foreach($pages_array as $key => $page)
                  $li_st.= $page['li'];
            $ul_st.= '<ul id="menuWerx-list">' . "\n";
            $ul_st.= $li_st;
            $ul_st.= '</ul>';
			$pages_array['ul'] = $ul_st;
            $this->deBug("wrapUL", $pages_array['ul']);
            return $pages_array;
	  		// Wraps the menu in <div> tags and returns the finished menu as a string.
		function wrapDiv($pages_array)
			$pages_array['div'] = '<div id="menuWerx">' . "\n" . $pages_array['ul'] . "\n" . '</div>' . "\n";
			$this->deBug("wrapDiv", $pages_array['div']);
			return $pages_array;
			// Add the inline styles
		function addStyle($pages_array)
			if($this->aSettings['useInlineStyle'] != 'yes')
				$pages_array['menu'] = "\n" . '<!--Begin menuWerx-->' . $pages_array['div'] . '<!--End menuWerx-->' . "\n\n";
				return $pages_array;
			if($this->aSettings['orientation'] == 'vertical')
				$pages_array['menu'] = "\n" . '<!--Begin menuWerx-->' . "\n" . $this->css['vertical'] . $pages_array['div'] . '<!--End menuWerx-->' . "\n\n";
				return $pages_array;
			if($this->aSettings['orientation'] == 'horizontal')
				$pages_array['menu'] = "\n" . '<!--Begin menuWerx-->' .  "\n" . $this->css['horizontal'] . $pages_array['div'] . '<!--End menuWerx-->' . "\n\n";
				return $pages_array;
            // Echos the menu for the browser
      function showMenu()



menuwerx.php:     (example of implementation)
$menu = new menuWerx("index.php", "hori");
Member Avatar for LastMitch

menuWerx is a PHP class to generate a menu for your site.

I like the tutorial, it's very simple and the sad part is that I can't find any good tutorial on Menu Werx.

Thanks for sharing.

I attached an image of the results from the code snippets:


Member Avatar for diafol

ad part is that I can't find any good tutorial on Menu Werx.

It doesn't exist anymore as it was OVER 7 YEARS AGO.

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