GETTING PAID by time locking templates

php4ever 0 Tallied Votes 149 Views Share

I absolutely hate it when I trust a person and never collect a deposit on work only to NOT be paid when I'm done.

I recently designed a flash page turn effect that is all XML controlled for a Realtor where the agents could simply upload the images to a folder, use the online editor to edit the XML file and have the images show up as pages that turn like a real page (flash action naturally) All said and done, "oh, I dont have enough to pay you." :@

Well there are times I get this gut feeling to protect my code so here is a short sweet and simple method for doing so.

Anytime you want to deliver a design for a client to load up and test on his machine (common request even by scammers) you simply encrypt the code between the doctype all the way down to the </head> AFTER you include the little snippet below.

If you don't know how to encrypt or where you may certainly use my encrypting tool I purchased a few years back. Zend and IonCube are popular as well. Just select SEGMENT and paste in your code. Other methods wont work because my directories are all 600 and wont allow access.

#####  Here is how you get your time, create time.php
echo time();

#### Here is the timelock code commented so its easy to follow
//PHP Code for timelock:
// add the following code to your project.
// the time reflects the linux / unix time using the simple echo time();
// the $start_trial time is the current time or the time I create the trial period to begin.
$start_trial = 1157044256;
// to add the trial time you multiply days times hours times minutes times seconds so
// it would be 7x24x60x60=604800 for a 7 day trial.
// add echo time(); to a file called time.php to get server time.
//$end_trial = $start_trial + 604800;
$end_trial = $start_trial + 259200;
$current_time = time();
$remaining_trial = $end_trial - $current_time;
    if ($current_time > $end_trial) {
        die('Your demo has expired. Jared would like to get off the government cheese program, <a href="" target="_blank">Pay The Man!</a>  You will then receive the unlock files');
Appzmaster 0 Newbie Poster

cool i have had this happen many times aswell.

Dsiembab 5 Junior Poster

I don't understand. What's to stop them from having one of their relatives to find this page and delete it?

php4ever 0 Junior Poster in Training

Had to revisit this snippet because some one told me my post had no code and that it was modified. Glad to see its still here.

~ Jared

mexabet 49 Good Learner

I really want to try this code out and see if it works for me. But can you enlighten me which spot exactly to insert this code? Please, use the sample below to give insight:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>

php4ever 0 Junior Poster in Training

Yes mexabet; what I do is only encrypt a portion of the html document making it difficult to fill in the blanks after expiration.

For instance, what I'll do is take a Joomla or even a WordPress theme and encrypt just the index.php file and header.php file and encrypt with the time lock.

Naturally anyone could reproduce a design simply by viewing it in most cases but most wont go through the trouble.

~ Jared

php4ever 0 Junior Poster in Training

Lots of people have asked how this works by sending me emails and PM's and responding to my many blog and forums around and apparently I wasn't clear so I've added a new video on how its done.


dennishall 0 Junior Poster in Training

I've been using CodeLock and find it to be perfect!
I like that it encrypts the whole file when you follow these 2 basic steps:
1. Only use <? opening tags as Codelock does not work with <?php opening tags.
2. Do not display encrypted HTML output and ALL your HTMl will work perfectly as well robots will still see your METADATA.

Best Regards,

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