I absolutely hate it when I trust a person and never collect a deposit on work only to NOT be paid when I'm done.
I recently designed a flash page turn effect that is all XML controlled for a Realtor where the agents could simply upload the images to a folder, use the online editor to edit the XML file and have the images show up as pages that turn like a real page (flash action naturally) All said and done, "oh, I dont have enough to pay you." :@
Well there are times I get this gut feeling to protect my code so here is a short sweet and simple method for doing so.
Anytime you want to deliver a design for a client to load up and test on his machine (common request even by scammers) you simply encrypt the code between the doctype all the way down to the </head> AFTER you include the little snippet below.
If you don't know how to encrypt or where you may certainly use my encrypting tool I purchased a few years back. Zend and IonCube are popular as well. http://www.jaredritchey.com/codelock/ Just select SEGMENT and paste in your code. Other methods wont work because my directories are all 600 and wont allow access.