Browser Capability Checker

essential 0 Tallied Votes 215 Views Share

This script will lists all available methods, properties, values, and types, supported inside your browser. This is useful when you are creating script and you want to see a full reference lists of methods supported on the browser that you are working on -

then you can simply run the script and you will get all the answers you need without spending to much time, searching the net for a particular methods supported by the different types of browsers...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript" />
<title>Browser Capability Check</title>
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/* ]]> */
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
 * Developed By DANIuser : essential -

 * Created : July 23rd, 2009 -
 * Title : Browser-Capability-Checker v1.0 -
 * This notice MUST stay intact for use - 

var modern = Boolean((( !!document.all === true && !!!document.getElementById ) ? 0 : 1 ));

var xCapabilities = ( function( e ) {
var e = (( e ) ? eval( e )  : window.event ); 
var xTable = 0;
var count = 1;
var xElem = null;
var xCell = null;
var xDivID = "showCapabilities";
var xDiv = (( modern ) ? document.getElementsByTagName( "div" )[ xDivID ] : document.all.tags( "div" )[ xDivID ] );
   tableX = (( modern ) ? xDiv.getElementsByTagName( "table" ) : xDiv.all.tags("table").item( 0 ));
   (( tableX[ 0 ] ) ? xDiv.removeChild( tableX[ 0 ] ) : tableX );
   delete tableX;
   if ( "createElement" in document ) { 
      xCell = ( function( row, text ) {
         var xCel = row.insertCell( -1 );
         return xCel.appendChild( document.createTextNode( text )); 
      } ); 
      xElem = ( function( element ) {
         return document.createElement( element );
      } );
      xTable = xElem( "table" );
      var xTHead = xTable.createTHead();  
      var xRow = xTHead.insertRow( -1 );
      var xLabel = [ "#", "Property", "Value", "Type" ];
      var xLen = xLabel.length;
      for ( i = 0; i < xLen; i++ ) {
         xCell( xRow, xLabel[ i ] );
      } delete i; 
      var xTBody = xElem( "tbody" ); 
      xTable.appendChild( xTBody );
      for ( prop in e ) {
         xRow = xTBody.insertRow( -1 );
         xCell( xRow, count );
         xCell( xRow, prop );
         xCell( xRow, e[ prop ] );
         xCell( xRow, typeof( e[ prop ] )); = "center";
      } delete prop;
   xDiv.appendChild( xTable );
   } alert( "Your browser is not capable of handling this type of script! You'll need to wait for my next version.\n- essential", "" );
   return false;
} ); 
window.onload = function( event ) {
   var xSel = (( modern ) ? document.getElementById( "browser" ) : document.all.browser );
   xSel.onchange = ( function( event ) {
     xCapabilities( this.value );
   } );
   xCapabilities( event ); 
// ]]>
<meta name="author" content="essential - ( )" />
<div id="content">
<div id="main">
<div class="tube" style="border-bottom : none; clear: both;">
<select id="browser" name="browser" size="1">
<option value="event" selected="selected">- EVENT Objects -</option>
<option value="window">- WINDOW Objects -</option>
<option value="document">- DOCUMENT Objects -</option>
<option value="navigator">- NAVIGATOR Objects -</option></select>
<div class="tube" id="showCapabilities"></div>
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