In these three functions, you can filter to a url to just the domain name. There are three main methods of doing so which are all shown in the example and the usage of each function is shown in the example.
Filter url to domain
//function one - get entire domain
function fulldomain($domainb) {
$bits = explode('/', $domainb);
if ($bits[0]=='http:' || $bits[0]=='https:')
return $bits[0].'//'.$bits[2].'/';
} else {
return 'http://'.$bits[0].'/';
//function two - use regex to get entire domain
function preg_fulldomain ($domainb) {
//function three - get domain and remove subdomain.
function domain($domainb)
$bits = explode('/', $domainb);
if ($bits[0]=='http:' || $bits[0]=='https:')
$domainb= $bits[2];
} else {
$domainb= $bits[0];
$bits = explode('.', $domainb);
if (strlen($bits[($idz+2)])==2) {
} else if (strlen($bits[($idz+2)])==0) {
} else {
return $url;
//below is the usage of each function
echo fulldomain($address);
echo '<br>';
echo preg_fulldomain($address);
echo '<br>';
echo domain($address);
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