Filter url to domain

cwarn23 0 Tallied Votes 741 Views Share

In these three functions, you can filter to a url to just the domain name. There are three main methods of doing so which are all shown in the example and the usage of each function is shown in the example.

//function one - get entire domain
function fulldomain($domainb) {
    $bits = explode('/', $domainb);
    if ($bits[0]=='http:' || $bits[0]=='https:')
        return $bits[0].'//'.$bits[2].'/';
        } else {
        return 'http://'.$bits[0].'/';

//function two - use regex to get entire domain
function preg_fulldomain ($domainb) {



//function three - get domain and remove subdomain.
function domain($domainb)
	$bits = explode('/', $domainb);
	if ($bits[0]=='http:' || $bits[0]=='https:')
		$domainb= $bits[2];
		} else {
		$domainb= $bits[0];
	$bits = explode('.', $domainb);
	if (strlen($bits[($idz+2)])==2) {
	} else if (strlen($bits[($idz+2)])==0) {
	} else {
	return $url;

//below is the usage of each function
echo fulldomain($address);
echo '<br>';
echo preg_fulldomain($address);
echo '<br>';
echo domain($address);
ShawnCplus 456 Code Monkey Team Colleague
NicAx64 76 Posting Pro

You have used the preg instead of ereg I think it's a good Patrice .

whatsgoingon 0 Newbie Poster

Agree that using parse_url could help. Thanks for writing this

roninio 0 Newbie Poster

$parseUrl = parse_url(trim($Address));
$bits=explode('.', $parseUrl['host' );
$domain = implode('.',$bits);

kthxbai2u 0 Newbie Poster

ronino: Thanks, I used your code... And modified it too! The following code will only remove the subdomain if it exists... If you run through ronino's code, it would come out as "com". This is a simple fix to check there are more than 2 "bits".

$parseUrl = parse_url(trim($filename));
	$bits=explode('.', $parseUrl['host']);
	if (count($bits) > 2) {
	$domain = implode('.',$bits);

Enjoy ;P

***Note: The above code only works on single . TLD's (.com, .net, .org) If you get "", it will come out as ""***
I am working on a fix :)


I ended up using another code from elsewhere which works flawlessly so far. Here it is:

function getDomain($domainb)
	$bits = explode('/', $domainb);
	if ($bits[0]=='http:' || $bits[0]=='https:')
		$domainb= $bits[2];
		} else {
		$domainb= $bits[0];
	$bits = explode('.', $domainb);
	if (strlen($bits[($idz+2)])==2) {
	} else if (strlen($bits[($idz+2)])==0) {
	} else {
	return $url;
huongviet 0 Newbie Poster

Thank you for code. I will try this code in my application, I hope it will good work

gtuminauskas 0 Newbie Poster

if I write full url like this: ''
then it gives me completely wrong values..
not too wise enough! domain becomes ".ftp" and not ""

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This is why we user parse_url()

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