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You can place the game "Blackjack" by adding the following script to your website. All the information is included within the script, please do not remove the warranty or information. If you don't want such a big lap of code on your website, you can also place the following, as this is a link to exactly the same script:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

Have fun and good luck at playing Blackjack!


<script type="text/javascript">

###################---SCRIPT INFORMATION---###################
#                                                            #
# Script: blackjack.js                                       #
#                                                            #
# Description: a script written in JavaScript, in which you  #
# can play the game called Blackjack. This script DOES NOT   #
# use real money, the ingame-money has no value at all: it   #
# is just a variable to measure how good you are at          #
# blackjack.                                                 #
#                                                            #
# Visit us at:                        #
# Contact:                           #
#                                                            #

#                                                            #
#  This script is written and created by Symbol Webdesign.   #
# You are allowed to adjust this script to your own likings. #
#                                                            #
#                         AT ALL TIMES                       #
#                                                            #
#              Created by Symbol Webdesign ©2009             #

/* Setting the variables */
var Pcards = new Array; // Array of the cards of the player (starting at 0)
var PcardsAmount = 0; // Amount of cards the player holds
var PlayertotalAces11 = 0; // Used for ace exceptions
var DealertotalAces11 = 0; // Used for ace exceptions
var dealerValue = 0; // Total of all the values of the cards of the dealer
var playerValue = 0; // Total of all the values of the card of the player
var randomSuit; // Just the suit (spades, hearts, clubs or diamonds)
var randomCard; // Just the card (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K,A)
var randomFullCard1; // The suit and the card -> first suit then card (E.g. Spades9)
var number1 = 0; // Used in getNumber()
var number2 = 0; // Used in getColor()
var card = new Array; // Array of the cards (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K,A)
var suit = new Array; // Array of the colors (spades, hearts, clubs or diamonds)
var wager = 0;
var totalmoney = 2000;
for (var i = 0; i < 13; i++) {
card[i] = new Array;
card[0]['value'] = 2;
card[0]['name'] = 2;
card[1]['value'] = 3;
card[1]['name'] = 3;
card[2]['value'] = 4;
card[2]['name'] = 4;
card[3]['value'] = 5;
card[3]['name'] = 5;
card[4]['value'] = 6;
card[4]['name'] = 6;
card[5]['value'] = 7;
card[5]['name'] = 7;
card[6]['value'] = 8;
card[6]['name'] = 8;
card[7]['value'] = 9;
card[7]['name'] = 9;
card[8]['value'] = 10;
card[8]['name'] = 10;
card[9]['value'] = 10;
card[9]['name'] = "J";
card[10]['value'] = 10;
card[10]['name'] = "Q";
card[11]['value'] = 10;
card[11]['name'] = "K";
card[12]['value'] = 11;
card[12]['name'] = "A";
suit[0] = "&nbsp;<span style='color:black;'>&#9824;</span>"; // Spade
suit[1] = "&nbsp;<span style='color:red;'>&#9829;</span>"; // Hearts
suit[2] = "&nbsp;<span style='color:black;'>&#9827;</span>"; // Clubs
suit[3] = "&nbsp;<span style='color:red;'>&#9830;</span>"; // Diamonds

/* Retrieves a random number between 0 and 12, and returns it */
function getNumber(type) {
number1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (12 + 1));
cardInfo = new Array;
cardInfo[0] = card[number1]['name'];
cardInfo[1] = card[number1]['value'];
return cardInfo;
/* Retrieves a random number between 0 and 3, and returns it */
function getSuit() {
number2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (3 + 1));
return suit[number2];

/* Uses the getSuit() and getNumber() to get a fairly random card */
function randomFullCard() {
randomSuit = getSuit();
randomCard = getNumber('name');
randomFullCard1 = randomSuit + randomCard;
return randomFullCard1;

// Adds the money to the wage and withdraws it from totalmoney
function wageMoney(money_amount) {
money_amount = parseInt(money_amount);
if (totalmoney >= money_amount && money_amount >= 0) {
// Showing the choosebox and hiding the wagerbox
totalmoney -= money_amount;
wager += money_amount;
document.getElementById('totalmoney').innerHTML = totalmoney;
document.getElementById('totalwager').innerHTML = wager;
// Adding the cards
} else {
alert("Not sufficient amount of money!");

// Function that is activated after there was a click on the double down button (doubleButton)
function doubleWageMoney() {
if (totalmoney >= wager) {
totalmoney -= wager;
wager = wager * 2;
document.getElementById('totalmoney').innerHTML = totalmoney;
document.getElementById('totalwager').innerHTML = wager;
document.getElementById('doubleButton').style.display = "none";
if (playerValue <= 21) {

// Hands a card to the player
function addCardPlayer() {
var receivedCardInfo = getNumber();
var extraCard1value = receivedCardInfo[1];
var extraCard1name = receivedCardInfo[0];
var extraCard1suit = getSuit();
// Ace exception 1
if (extraCard1value == 11) {
if ((playerValue + 11) > 21) {
extraCard1value = 1;
} else {
PlayertotalAces11 = PlayertotalAces11 + 1;
// Updating the playerValue
playerValue += extraCard1value;
// Ace exception 2
if (PlayertotalAces11 >= 1) {
if (playerValue > 21) {
playerValue -= 10;
// Saving which card it is and adding 1 to the total card amount
Pcards[PcardsAmount] = extraCard1name;
// The double down option
if (PcardsAmount > 2) {
} else if (PcardsAmount == 2) {
// Updating values
document.getElementById("valuePlayerCards1").innerHTML = playerValue;
document.getElementById("playercards").innerHTML += "<span style='background-color:white;'>" + extraCard1suit + "<span style='color:black;'>" + extraCard1name + "&nbsp;</span></span>&nbsp;";
// Blackjack option
if ((Pcards[0] == "J" && Pcards[1] == "A") || (Pcards[0] == "A" && Pcards[1] == "J")) {
if (playerValue > 21) {

// Hands a card to the dealer
function addCardDealer() {
var receivedCardInfo = getNumber();
var extraCard1value = receivedCardInfo[1];
var extraCard1name = receivedCardInfo[0];
var extraCard1suit = getSuit();
// Ace exception 1
if (extraCard1value == 11) {
if ((dealerValue + 11) > 21) {
extraCard1value = 1;
} else {
DealertotalAces11 = DealertotalAces11 + 1;
// Updating the dealerValue
dealerValue += extraCard1value;
// Ace exception 2
if (DealertotalAces11 >= 1) {
if (dealerValue > 21) {
dealerValue -= 10;
// Updating values
document.getElementById("valueDealerCards1").innerHTML = dealerValue;
document.getElementById("dealercards").innerHTML += "<span style='background-color:white;'>" + extraCard1suit + "<span style='color:black;'>" + extraCard1name + "&nbsp;</span></span>&nbsp;";

// If the player clicked on the start-button, this function will be activated:
function initGame() {
// Deleting the stats from previous game
document.getElementById("valuePlayerCards1").innerHTML = 0;
document.getElementById("valueDealerCards1").innerHTML = 0;
document.getElementById("playercards").innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("dealercards").innerHTML = "";
// Showing the necersary things

// If the player is satisfied with his score, he clicked the stand-button.
// That button activates the following function:
function standPlayer() {

// Decides what the dealer is going to do
function decideDealer() {
if (dealerValue < 16) {
decideDealer(); // As long as the total value of the cards is lower as 16 the function gets recalled
} else {

// Decides who the winner is, the player is winner if:
// The player has less than 21 and the player has more points as the dealer
// The dealer's value is more than 21 (Bust)
function decideWinner() {
if ((playerValue <= 21 && playerValue > dealerValue) || dealerValue > 21) { // If the player is winner
totalmoney += 2 * wager; // Deals out 2 times the wager
document.getElementById("totalmoney").innerHTML = totalmoney;
document.getElementById("displayMessage").innerHTML = "Congratulations, you win €" + wager;
wager = 0;
} else {
if (playerValue == dealerValue && playerValue <= 21 && dealerValue <= 21) { // If it is a tie
totalmoney += wager; // Deals out the same amount as the wager: it is a tie
document.getElementById("totalmoney").innerHTML = totalmoney;
document.getElementById("displayMessage").innerHTML = "It is a tie";
wager = 0;
} else { // If the dealer is winner
wager = 0;
document.getElementById("totalwager").innerHTML = wager;
document.getElementById("displayMessage").innerHTML = "You loose, try again?";

function blackjackWin() {
var ExtraPayOut = 0.5 * wager;
totalmoney += ExtraPayOut + (2 * wager);
var moneyWon = ExtraPayOut + wager;
wager = 0;
document.getElementById("totalmoney").innerHTML = totalmoney;
document.getElementById("displayMessage").innerHTML = "Congratulations with blackjack, you win €" + moneyWon;

// Resets all the variables and the display's, this function is called at
// then end of the decideWinner() function.
function resetGame() {
document.getElementById("totalwager").innerHTML = 0;
document.getElementById("startButton").style.display = "inline";
document.getElementById("doubleButton").style.display = "none";
wager = 0;
dealerValue = 0;
playerValue = 0;
DealertotalAces11 = 0;
PlayertotalAces11 = 0;
PcardsAmount = 0;

// Showing the blackjack table
document.write('<div style="background-color:white; position:relative; left:0px; top:0px; text-align:left; width:431px; height:350px; border:0px solid black; color:white; font-family:Calibri;')
document.write("background-image: url(''); background-repeat:no-repeat;");
document.write(' <form action="" onsubmit="return false;" method="post" name="blackjack">');
document.write('  <div id="part01" style="position:absolute;top:2px;left:2px;color:black;">');
document.write('   Money: &euro;<span id="totalmoney">2000</span>');
document.write('  </div>');
document.write('  <div id="part02" style="position:absolute; top:2px; left:322px; color:black;">');
document.write('   Wager: &euro;<span id="totalwager">0</span>');
document.write('  </div>');
document.write('  <div id="part1" style="position:absolute; top:169px; width:431px; text-align:center;">');
document.write('   <input id="startButton" type="button" value="Start a new game!" onclick="initGame();'); 
document.write(';" />');
document.write('  </div>');
document.write('  <div id="part2" style="display:none;">');
document.write('   <div id="dealerpart" style="position:absolute; top:50px; width:431px; text-align:center;">');
document.write('    Dealer cards(<span id="valueDealerCards1"></span>):<br />');
document.write('   <span id="dealercards"></span>');
document.write('   </div>');
document.write('   <div id="playerpart" style="position:absolute; top:225px; width:431px; text-align:center;">');
document.write('    Your cards(<span id="valuePlayerCards1"></span>):<br />');
document.write('   <span id="playercards"></span>');
document.write('   </div>');
document.write('   <div id="wagerbox" style="display:none; position:absolute; top:150px; width:431px; text-align:center; ">');
document.write('    Howmuch would you like to bet?<br />');
document.write('	&euro;<input type="text" id="wager" maxlength="255" /><input type="button" onclick="');
document.write('" value="Bet!" /><br />');
document.write('   </div>');
document.write('   <div id="choosebox" style="display:none; position:absolute; top:160px; width:431px; text-align:center; ">');
document.write('    What do you want to do?<br />');
document.write('    &nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="button" onclick="addCardPlayer()" value="Hit" onkeypress="" /><input type="button" onclick="standPlayer();');
document.write('" value="Stand" /><input type="button" id="doubleButton" style="display:none;" onclick="doubleWageMoney()" value="Double down" />');
document.write('   </div>');
document.write('  </div>');
document.write('  <div id="part3" style="display:none; position:absolute; top:150px; width:431px; text-align:center; ">');
document.write('   <span id="displayMessage"></span>');
document.write('  </div>');
document.write('  <div id="footerlow" style="position:absolute; top:336px; width:431px; text-align:center;">');
document.write('   <span style="font-size:12px;"><a target="_blank" style="color:blue;" href="">Click here to get blackjack for your own site</a></span>');
document.write('  </div>');
document.write(' </form>');