Sometimes we want to know if the webpage was fetched over an SSL connection (e.g. the URL begins with https:// instead of http://). This way, if an end-user is accessing an insecure version of our site, we can redirect them to the secure version.
The following PHP function called no_ssl()
returns true if the end-user is not using SSL, and false if they are. This way we can redirect them as so:
if (no_ssl())
// For the purposes of HSTS, we don't want to change the HTTP_HOST
header('Location: https://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], TRUE, 301);
You'll notice I made a reference to HSTS in my code comment. HSTS is a policy that, when implemented by a domain (e.g., as we have, effectively forces [compliant] web browsers to only load the secure (https) version of all resources located on that domain.