choice43015 0 Newbie Poster

hello I am new to this blogging thing and have decided to try it.
I am also a Noob to JS
and am late with my webpage I am trying to enlarge an inmage in it's own pop up window without useing html as you can see in my gallery page here.

script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="books.js">
  <script type="text/javascript" src="bookstore1.js">
<div id="header">
	<div id="logo">
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<div id="page">
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		<div id="content">
			<div class="post" style="padding-top: 57px;">
				<h2 class="title">Collectible BUY AND SELL!</h2>
				<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("<b>" + Date() + ".</b>")
				<script type="text/javascript" src="Platform.js">
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  <script type="text/javascript" src="bookstore2.js">

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and my two JS code sheets here

// This file creates common functions for the shopcart.htm
// and bookstore.htm pages

// create two variables
var bookDB = new Array();
var total_ordered = 0;

// create the book object
function book(title, number, price, quantity, lgeImg)
   this.title = title;
   this.number = number;
   this.price = price;
   this.quantity = quantity;
   this.imageSrc = "images/" + number + ".jpg";
   this.lgeImageSrc = "images/" + lgeImg + ".jpg";

// assign the book information to the book database array
function createBookDB()
   bookDB[0] = new book(" ", "01s", 54.99, 0, "01l");
   bookDB[1] = new book("", "02s", 14.95, 0, "02l");
   bookDB[2] = new book("", "03s", 38.99, 0, "03l");
   bookDB[3] = new book("", "04s", 35.99, 0, "04l");
   bookDB[4] = new book("", "05s", 32.99, 0, "05l");
   bookDB[5] = new book(" ", "06s", 48.95, 0, "06l");
   bookDB[6] = new book("", "07s", 35.99, 0, "07l");
   bookDB[7] = new book("", "08s", 62.95, 0, "08l");
   bookDB[8] = new book("", "09s", 31.99, 0, "09l");
   bookDB[9] = new book("", "10s", 63.00, 0, "10l");

// check quantity function
function checkQuantity()
   var ordersCookie = findOrder("orders");
   if ( ! ordersCookie)
   var userOrders = ordersCookie.split("+");
   for (var n = 0; n < userOrders.length; n ++ )
      var orderNum = userOrders[n];
      bookDB[n].quantity = orderNum;
      if (orderNum > 0)
         total_ordered ++ ;

// find order function
function findOrder(findName)
   var entireCookie;
   var cookieName;
   var cookieValue;
   var cookieArray = document.cookie.split("; ");
   for (var n = 0; n < cookieArray.length; n ++ )
      entireCookie = cookieArray[n].split("=");
      cookieName = entireCookie[0];
      cookieValue = entireCookie[1];
      if (cookieName == findName)
         return unescape(cookieValue);
   return null;

// bookstore2 check for quantities
if (total_ordered > 0)
   document.writeln('<a href=index6.html>' + 'view shopping cart</a>');
   document.writeln('Shopping cart is empty.');

// create the online catalog
for (var n = 0; n < bookDB.length; n ++ )
   document.writeln('<table width="500">');
   document.writeln('<td align="left" height="200" width="156">');
   document.writeln('<a href="\'' + bookDB[n].number + '\')">');
   document.writeln('<img src="' + bookDB[n].imageSrc + '" border="0" ' +
   'alt="' + bookDB[n].title + '"></td></a>');
   document.writeln('<td><b>' + bookDB[n].title + '</b><br />');
   document.writeln('ISBN Number: ' + bookDB[n].number + '<br />');
   document.writeln('<i>' + 'Price CAN $' + bookDB[n].price + '</i><br />');
   document.writeln('<a href="javascript:addBook(\'' +
   bookDB[n].number + '\')">' +  '<img src="images / buy.gif" alt="buy" width="50" border="0" height="50" /></a><br /></a></td>');

however I cannot get it to work hopeing you can help

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