alextan 0 Newbie Poster
First part:
When i type document numbers/alphabet inside the text box and click submit, i need to download the document file based on a select query with the doc_no and display results on my right frame. My search_engine.cfm frame is on the left side whereas the search_results.cfm is on the right frame. I also want the textbox be able to recognize the input text/alphabet and output just that particular results for the user. Total i got 10 database table, each table name is stated with the starting number 
i.e tableName1: [B]350v[/B], 
tableName2: [B]360w[/B],
tableName3: [B]210a [/B]

AND inside each table column contains i.e [B]DOC_NO,  DATE, [/B]REMARKS etc. 
                               [B]   DOC_NO[/B]
Whereas ROWS  :   350V000
                                 350V002 ...(each table at least have 500 files)etc

Second part: Display results in table cells without using paged search results. I find that making paged search results form is very complicated.
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