ninjaimp 8 Junior Poster

I've been doing battle with some code for a while now and at it seems that the problem lies with the data im using. I have a load of binary informatin for images which is stored in a tab delimted file and im pulling them in record by record. Now it seems that the dat im pulling in isnt right, becuase if i convert an image into a byte array and use my same code it works fine!

The binary data i have is in a format such as "\\377\\330\\377\\340\\000\\020JFIF\\000\\001\\002\\001\\001,\\001,\\000\\000\\377\\342\\034mICC_PROFILE\\000\\001\\001\\000\\000\\034]Lino\\002\\020\\000\\000mntrRGB XYZ \" but of course a hell of alot longer.

Im trying to find out if there is a way to check that the blob of binary data i have is indeed valid?

any help is appreciated

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