gillivt 0 Newbie Poster

Hi, I'm trying to update a gridview and its underlying sqldatabase from form controls (textbox, checkbox etc.)

I first create the records directly from the form to the database using code. After the page is refreshed the gridview shows the new entry.

My gridview allows me to select a record via a 'Select' hyperlink on each row. the code behind for this is as follows

Protected Sub gridviewExpenseList_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles gridviewExpenseList.SelectedIndexChanged
        Dim Index As Integer
        Dim Row As GridViewRow
        Index = gridviewExpenseList.SelectedIndex
        Row = gridviewExpenseList.Rows(Index)
        'retrieve data for selected row, display it in the form view
        'make delete button visible

        'set the hidden field to the row index
        ExpenseID.Value = Index.ToString

        'load form data from selected row
        textboxExpenseDescription.Text = Row.Cells(1).Text.ToString
        textboxDate.Text = Row.Cells(2).Text.ToString
        dropdownlistExpenseType.SelectedIndex = CInt(Row.Cells(3).Text)
        textboxAmount.Text = gridviewExpenseList.Rows(Index).Cells(4).Text.ToString
        textboxEmployerContribution.Text = Row.Cells(5).Text.ToString
        checkboxHaveReceipt.Checked = CType(Row.Cells(6).FindControl("CheckBox1"), CheckBox).Checked

        'checkboxHaveReceipt.Checked = CBool(gridviewExpenseList.Rows(Index).Cells(6)..FindControl("CheckBox1")).Checked)
        buttonDelete.Visible = True
 End Sub

The form can then be edited and resubmitted via a SAVE button. the event code is as follows:

Protected Sub buttonSave_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles buttonSave.Click
        ' save the contents of the form to the database
        ' will need to check if it already exists using the ExpenseID hidden field
        ' if exists update if not insert.  Return to the home page
        If ExpenseID.Value = "-1" AndAlso _
            textboxExpenseDescription.Text <> "" AndAlso _
            textboxDate.Text <> "" AndAlso _
            textboxAmount.Text <> "" AndAlso _
            textboxEmployerContribution.Text <> "" Then
            gridviewExpenseList.UpdateRow(CInt(ExpenseID.Value), False)

            Dim oIncidentalExpense As IncidentalExpenses
            oIncidentalExpense = New IncidentalExpenses(textboxExpenseDescription.Text, _
                                                        textboxDate.Text, _
                                                        dropdownlistExpenseType.SelectedIndex, _
                                                        CDec(textboxAmount.Text), _
                                                        CDec(textboxEmployerContribution.Text), _
            'save form data to selected row
            Dim Row As GridViewRow
            Dim Index As Integer = CInt(ExpenseID.Value)

            Row = gridviewExpenseList.Rows(Index)
            Row.RowState = DataControlRowState.Edit
            Row.Cells(1).Text = textboxExpenseDescription.Text
            Row.Cells(2).Text = textboxDate.Text
            Row.Cells(3).Text = dropdownlistExpenseType.SelectedIndex.ToString
            Row.Cells(4).Text = textboxAmount.Text
            Row.Cells(5).Text = textboxEmployerContribution.Text
            CType(Row.Cells(5).FindControl("CheckBox1"), CheckBox).Checked = checkboxHaveReceipt.Checked
            'gridviewExpenseList.UpdateRow(Index, False)
            Row.RowState = DataControlRowState.Normal

        End If

    End Sub

please note the comment out gridviewExpenseList.UpdateRow(Index,False). This cause a syntax error at runtime (I am not sure why as I though all syntax errors would be caught at buildtime.

After the page is refreshed and the page load event fires:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        If IsPostBack Then
            gridviewExpenseList.DataSourceID = "IncidentalExpenses"
            'Expense ID -1 indicates a new record, where as a positive integer means existing record
            ExpenseID.Value = "-1"
        End If
    End Sub

The gridview is updated. I guess this is done by the databind statement. Howver When I check the database it has not been updated with the new values and a subsequent page refresh causes the old values to be retored in the gridview.

By the way The sql datasource used to bind the gridview to the database contains both an sql SELEC Tstatement and an UPDATE statement

SELECT ExpenseDescription, ExpenseDate, ExpenseType, ExpenseAmount, EmployerContribution, HaveReceipt, IncidentalExpenseID, ClientID FROM IncidentalExpenses

UPDATE IncidentalExpenses SET ExpenseDescription =, ExpenseDate =, ExpenseType =, ExpenseAmount =, EmployerContribution =, HaveReceipt = WHERE (ClientID = @ClientID) AND (IncidentalExpenseID = @IncidentalExpensesID)

Can anyone help?

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