squirell 0 Newbie Poster


I have a problem with a data repeater. I would like items with the same ID to appear in one cell not on seperate rows.

The table from the code below is...


ID=4____Test Ltd____item1____£10____link
ID=4____Test Ltd____item2____£10____link
ID=4____Test Ltd____item3____£10____link
ID=5____Test Ltd____item1____£10____link
ID=5____Test Ltd____item2____£10____link

What I want the results to be is...


ID=4____Test Ltd____item1, item2, item3____£10_____link
ID=5____Test Ltd____item1, item2__________£10____link

So, I need multiple items in one table cell that have the same fldDealID.

Any help on this would be much appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.

<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>

<Script Runat="Server">

Sub Page_Load
  Dim conPubs As SqlConnection
  Dim cmdSelect As SqlCommand
  Dim dtrAuthors As SqlDataReader

  ' Retrieve records from database
  conPubs = New SqlConnection( "Server=xyz" )
  cmdSelect = New SqlCommand( "SELECT tblMain.fldDealID, tblMain.fldDealLink, tblMain.fldRetailerProvidedLink, tblMain.fldRank, tblRetailer.fldRetailerName, tblRetailer.fldRetailerLogo,tblRetailer.fldRetailerLink, tblExtras.fldItemImage, tblExtras.fldExtraTitle, tblExtras.fldManufacturerInfoLink, tblItem.fldItemTitle, tblItem.fldAltItemTitle, tblItem.fldItemImage AS Expr1, tblItemVersion.fldItemVersion, tblItem.fldPrice 
  FROM tblMain INNER JOIN tblIncludedExtras ON tblMain.fldDealID = tblIncludedExtras.fldDealID INNER JOIN tblExtras ON tblIncludedExtras.fldExtrasID = tblExtras.fldExtrasID INNER JOIN tblItem ON tblMain.fldItemID = tblItem.fldItemID INNER JOIN tblItemVersion ON tblItem.fldItemVersionID = tblItemVersion.fldItemVersionID INNER JOIN tblRetailer ON tblMain.fldRetailerID = tblRetailer.fldRetailerID 
  WHERE     (tblItem.fldItemTitle LIKE '3')", conPubs )
  dtrAuthors = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader()

  ' Bind to Repeater
  rptAuthors.DataSource = dtrAuthors


End Sub


<form Runat="Server">


    <table border=1 cellpadding=4>
    <tr bgcolor="#eeeeee">


		ID=<%# Container.DataItem( "fldDealID" ) %><a href="<%# Container.DataItem( "fldRetailerLink" ) %>"><img src="images/retailers/<%# Container.DataItem( "fldRetailerLogo" ) %>" alt="<%# Container.DataItem( "fldRetailerName" ) %>"></a>
		<img src="images/Console/<%# Container.DataItem( "Expr1" ) %>" alt="<%# Container.DataItem( "fldItemTitle" ) %>&nbsp;<%# Container.DataItem( "fldItemVersion" ) %>">+<img src="images/items/<%# Container.DataItem( "fldItemImage" ) %>" alt="<%# Container.DataItem( "fldExtraTitle" ) %>">
		&pound;<%# Container.DataItem( "fldPrice" ) %>
		<%# Container.DataItem( "fldDealLink" ) %>




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