Hi All,
I have displayed three values(numbers) in some of the days of the month using the calendar control. I would like to make each link clickable and when it is clicked, it would display more details on the value that the user has clicked on the same page. So my problem is that i could not wire up the call to the function that it corresponds to... could anyone help?
I have tried creating LinkButton dynamically, but it did not. I was going to try the javascript:_dopostback but i don't really understand how to do it...
any help would be greatly appreciated!
here is the code that i have so far:
Protected Sub Calendar1_DayRender(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DayRenderEventArgs)
Dim d As CalendarDay = e.Day
Dim c As TableCell = e.Cell
If d.IsOtherMonth Then
' using arrays that were saved in FillClaimCounts
Dim day As Integer = d.Date.Day
Dim month As Integer = d.Date.Month
Dim year As Integer = d.Date.Year
Dim total As Integer = ttl(day - 1)
Dim completed As Integer = cmp(day - 1)
Dim remain As Integer = remn(day - 1)
If total <> 0 Then
Dim a As LinkButton = New LinkButton
a.Text = total
a.Attributes.Add("href", "#")
'a.Attributes.Add("href", "javascript:__doPostBack('" + a.ID + "','')")
AddHandler a.Click, AddressOf foo
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End If
End Sub
Protected Sub foo(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim s = ""
End Sub