I am having trouble with a piece of JavaScript code that expands blocks of text. For example, when you click More >>, the text under it will expand. And << Less it will collapse. I can get that to work. I can also get the data out of the database. My problem is that when I try to expand it expands all of the multiple expands and when I click on << Less it shrinks everything. What I am trying to do is take the data out of the database and expand just one item at a time. Can you help please?
I am using VB.NET into SQL Server
Here is the JavaScript code...
<script type="text/javascript" "> </script>
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width: 80px;
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margin-right: 38px;
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<img src="images/rate.gif" /> <b style="font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold"><%#Eval("Subject")%></b></dd>
<dd style="font-size: 13px;"/>
<b><%#Eval("dated")%>, <%#Eval("firstname")%>, <%#Eval("Location ")%>, </b>
<dd ID ="rshort5" name="reviewText" style="display:block; margin-left: 0px; font-size: 13px;" />
<%#Eval("shortnote")%> <a href="javascript:expandReview(5, 'r',1)" />....more » </a>
<dd ID="rfull5" name="reviewText" style="display:none; margin-right: 15px; font-size: 13px;" />
<%#Eval("comment")%> <a href="javascript:expandReview(5, 'r',0)" /> «...less </a>
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