rapture 134 Posting Whiz in Training

I'm fairly new to asp.net and trying to use a session counter to check for when someone has tried to log in three times it counts and when reaches three it locks them out. I know it's easy but my brain is fried.

Protected Sub btnLogin_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogin.Click

        Dim IsFound As Boolean = False

        If Page.IsPostBack Then

            IsFound = clsDataLayer.GetUser(Server.MapPath("AddressBook.mdb"), txtUSERID.Text, txtPassword.Text)

            If (IsFound) Then

                'user credentials were found in the database so notify the system that the user is authenticated

                lblStatus.Text = "Welcome"

                'if authentic then wait three seconds to display the welcome label then send user to mymobilepage

                Response.AddHeader("REFRESH", "3;URL=mymobilepage.aspx")

            Else  'invalid user credentials

                Dim myAttempts As Integer = Convert.ToInt16(Session("AttemptsCount "))

                myAttempts = myAttempts + 1

                Session("AttemptCount") = myAttempts 'update the session variable with the new value

                lblStatus.Text = "The User ID and/or Password supplied is incorrect. Please try again!"

                If myAttempts >= 3 Then

                    Dim myDAL As New clsDataLayer

                    myDAL.Lockuser(Server.MapPath("Addressbook.mdb"), txtUSERID.Text, False)

                    lblStatus.Text = "Your account has been locked and will need to be reset by the system  administrator!"

                End If

            End If

        End If

Can someone direct me the proper way?

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