wayz1229 0 Newbie Poster

i'm having problem with survey script and voting function. can anyone please help me out.. the script only accept the last question's answer and update the database = acount+1.

script to dislay survey:


echo "<form action='vote.php' method=post>
<table width='300' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='center'>";

$query1 = "SELECT * FROM questions";
$result1 = mysql_query($query1)or die("ERROR: $query.".mysql_error());




while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {

$qid = $row1['qid'];
$qtitle = $row1['qtitle'];

$query2 = "SELECT * FROM answers WHERE qid='$qid'";
$result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die("ERROR: $query.".mysql_error());

echo "<tr>
    <td width='300' align='left'><p>".$i.". ".$qtitle."</p></td>
while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) {

$aid = $row2['aid'];
$atitle = $row2['atitle'];

echo "<tr>
    <td width='300' align='left'><input type = radio name =aid value = '".$aid."'><font>".$atitle."</font></input><br></p></td>

echo "<input type = hidden name = qid value = '".$qid."'>";
echo "<br />";


echo "<td><br><br></td><tr>
<td width='300' align='center'><input type = submit name = submit value = 'Submit'></td>

// close connection


voting script:

if (isset($_COOKIE) && !empty($_COOKIE)) {
    if ($_COOKIE['lastpoll'] && $_COOKIE['lastpoll'] == $_POST['qid']) {
	echo '<script>alert("You have already voted. Thank You !!!");</script>';
	echo '<script>location.replace("trysurvey.php");</script>';
// set cookie
setCookie('lastpoll', $_POST['qid'], time() + 2592000);

if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {

    if (!isset($_POST['aid'])) {
		echo '<script>alert("Please select one of the available choices.");</script>';
		echo '<script>history.back(1);</script>';
    // update vote counter
    $query = "UPDATE answers SET acount = acount + 1 WHERE aid = '$aid' AND qid = '$qid'";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die("ERROR: $query. ".mysql_error());

    // close connection

    // print success message    
	echo '<script>alert("Your have successfully voted.");</script>';
	echo '<script>location.replace("trysurvey.php");</script>';
else {
    echo '<script>alert("Unable to submit your Vote. Please try again !!!");</script>';
	echo '<script>history.back(1);</script>';


please help.....