hi here i am using tool tip code but i want the tool tip to auto hide please help me out from this thanks in advance
// Tooltip Object
var Tooltip = Class.create();
Tooltip.prototype = {
initialize: function(el, options) {
this.el = $(el);
this.initialized = false;
// Event handlers
this.showEvent = this.show.bindAsEventListener(this);
this.hideEvent = this.hide.bindAsEventListener(this);
this.updateEvent = this.update.bindAsEventListener(this);
Event.observe(this.el, "mouseover", this.showEvent );
Event.observe(this.el, "mouseout", this.hideEvent );
// Removing title from DOM element to avoid showing it
this.content = this.el.title;
this.el.title = "";
// If descendant elements has 'alt' attribute defined, clear it
if(Element.readAttribute(el, 'alt'))
el.alt = "";
setOptions: function(options) {
this.options = {
backgroundColor: '#fff', // Default background color
borderColor: '#000', // Default border color
textColor: '#EE3399', // Default text color (use CSS value)
textShadowColor: '', // Default text shadow color (use CSS value)
maxWidth: 250, // Default tooltip width
align: "left", // Default align
delay: 250, // Default delay before tooltip appears in ms
mouseFollow: true, // Tooltips follows the mouse moving
opacity: 100, // Default tooltips opacity
appearDuration: .25, // Default appear duration in sec
hideDuration: false // Default disappear duration in sec
Object.extend(this.options, options || {});
show: function(e) {
this.xCord = Event.pointerX(e);
this.yCord = Event.pointerY(e);
this.timeout = window.setTimeout(this.appear.bind(this), this.options.delay);
hide: function(e) {
if(this.initialized) {
Event.stopObserving(this.el, "mousemove", this.updateEvent);
new Effect.Fade(this.tooltip, {duration: this.options.hideDuration, afterFinish: function() { Element.remove(this.tooltip) }.bind(this) });
this.initialized = false;
update: function(e){
this.xCord = Event.pointerX(e);
this.yCord = Event.pointerY(e);
appear: function() {
// Building tooltip container
this.tooltip = Builder.node("div", {className: "tooltip", style: "display: none;" }, [
Builder.node("div", {className:"xtop"}, [
Builder.node("div", {className:"xb1", style:"background-color:" + this.options.borderColor + ";"}),
Builder.node("div", {className:"xb2", style: "background-color:" + this.options.backgroundColor + "; border-color:" + this.options.borderColor + ";"}),
Builder.node("div", {className:"xb3", style: "background-color:" + this.options.backgroundColor + "; border-color:" + this.options.borderColor + ";"}),
Builder.node("div", {className:"xb4", style: "background-color:" + this.options.backgroundColor + "; border-color:" + this.options.borderColor + ";"})
Builder.node("div", {className: "xboxcontent", style: "background-color:" + this.options.backgroundColor +
"; border-color:" + this.options.borderColor +
((this.options.textColor != '') ? "; color:" + this.options.textColor : "") +
((this.options.textShadowColor != '') ? "; text-shadow:2px 2px 0" + this.options.textShadowColor + ";" : "")}, this.content),
Builder.node("div", {className:"xbottom"}, [
Builder.node("div", {className:"xb4", style: "background-color:" + this.options.backgroundColor + "; border-color:" + this.options.borderColor + ";"}),
Builder.node("div", {className:"xb3", style: "background-color:" + this.options.backgroundColor + "; border-color:" + this.options.borderColor + ";"}),
Builder.node("div", {className:"xb2", style: "background-color:" + this.options.backgroundColor + "; border-color:" + this.options.borderColor + ";"}),
Builder.node("div", {className:"xb1", style:"background-color:" + this.options.borderColor + ";"})
document.body.insertBefore(this.tooltip, document.body.childNodes[0]);
Element.extend(this.tooltip); // IE needs element to be manually extended
this.options.width = this.tooltip.getWidth();
this.tooltip.style.width = this.options.width + 'px'; // IE7 needs width to be defined
Event.observe(this.el, "mousemove", this.updateEvent);
this.initialized = true;
this.appearingFX = new Effect.Appear(this.tooltip, {duration: this.options.appearDuration, to: this.options.opacity });
setup: function(){
// If content width is more then allowed max width, set width to max
if(this.options.width > this.options.maxWidth) {
this.options.width = this.options.maxWidth;
this.tooltip.style.width = this.options.width + 'px';
// Tooltip doesn't fit the current document dimensions
if(this.xCord + this.options.width >= Element.getWidth(document.body)) {
this.options.align = "right";
this.xCord = this.xCord - this.options.width + 20;
this.tooltip.style.left = this.xCord - 7 + "px";
this.tooltip.style.top = this.yCord + 12 + "px";
_clearTimeout: function(timer) {
return null;