laptop545 0 Newbie Poster

Hello All,
I have a problem in a project i am doing. Can any1 please help me in this.

I have a drop down list as follows :

<asp:DropDownList  ID="PostActionDDL" runat="server" EnableViewState="false" OnSelectedIndexChanged="activeRegistrant_SelectedIndexChanged"
                                                            AutoPostBack="true" >
                                                            <asp:ListItem Value="0">Select an Action</asp:ListItem>
                                                            <asp:ListItem Value="1">View</asp:ListItem>
                                                            <asp:ListItem Value="2">Delete</asp:ListItem>

And i have the C# code as follows :

protected void activeRegistrant_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
           ///Some code..
            int selectedAction = Convert.ToInt32(dropList.SelectedValue);

            switch ((RegistrationActions)selectedAction)
                case RegistrationActions.View:
                    Response.Redirect("RegistrantDetails.aspx?id=" + registrationId.ToString());

                case RegistrationActions.Delete:
                    //some code...

Now, everything here is fine and working. But now, if the user clicks delete, the data will be deleted without any conformation. So, if the user clicks delete only, ( not for view) i need a pop up which should ask , are you sure you want to delete ?

And if the user clicks view, no pop up should come.

Can any1 please help me...


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