The only issues are now with IE

I'm fairly sure that I have found the problem in IE.

It is this code

switch (window.frames[1].document.URL) {

(which I was already thinking about because it is the statement 83 cited in the intermittent 'access denied' error messages).

In that code I use a constant [1] to index the frames collection (because it is the easiest way when there is no name= on the desired <iframe> - and AFAICT that 'magic number' shortcut works in all other browsers). It now appears that it won't work in IE.

A problem here would explain the failures to update and the error messages. Plus if the order of the frames collection may vary, it would also explain why the error messages were intermittent there and never appeared here.

Changing this HTML

<iframe name="fxm" id="myframe" src="photos_latest.php" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" style="overflow-x:hidden; width:100%; display:none; min-height:550px;"></iframe>

and the bracketed constant in the first line of this javascript statement

switch (window.frames['fxm'].document.URL) {

carefully should fix IE [all versions and modes] without breaking anything else.

You still need to test, of course, and when you have put up the revised test page I will check it from here.

Thanks FXM. This looks to have sorted the problem. Thank you very very much!

If you get a chance to test it at your end let me know if it's working ok for you. (I only have access to IE8 with compatability mode).

I have started a new discussion relating to the style of the Filter buttons themselves on the following page if you fancy a look -

Thanks again! Marked as solved and up buttons clicked!

Out of curiosity, if you get a chance to test it, what is the speed like (of the whole page on loadup).

I'm working on a pretty dodgy internet connection and experienced some slowdown, so just trying to figure out if it's the connection or not (I'm sure it probably is).

what is the speed like (of the whole page on loadup).

Now that you have made 'all' the initial display, the page takes 10-15 seconds to load into a browser with an empty cache.

That time is almost entirely the images loading; a later load with a full cache typically takes under a second.

OK, maybe I'll go back to Latest.

In the future I'll be adding a lot more photos to the galleries, so is there an easy way to speed up the loading time?

is there an easy way to speed up the loading time?

Define 'easy'.

For a visitor who does not have any of your site in the browser cache, improving the actual load time would require [primarily] reducing the number of images and/or their filesizes.

There are a number of strategies for improving the perceived load time: in your situation the biggest payoff would probably come from a combination of buffering images and choosing a smaller set for the initial display.

Note: I saw comments in your code about a player; none of the foregoing is likely to make much difference if you are launching a player - especially if it starts playing on load.

The player won't be starting on load. There will be a link over the top of the widescreen changing colours which will launch the player.

You're going to hate me by the time I'm done here, but I've just noticed (when trying to use the code on a different page "/music.php") that the iFrame no longer dynamically resizes itself depending on the size of the content. Initially it would always open at a min-height (500px i think) and then get taller if the content required it to. Now when I was fiddling around with the min-height I noticed that it no longer does this. The min-height now essentially just seems to set the height overall.

I'm not sure if this is something that I've changed in the last few days in trying to fix it. Any ideas?

(I feel pretty guilty asking you all this questions, so please don't reply if you're busy or have other things on).

on a different page "/music.php") ... the iFrame no longer dynamically resizes itself depending on the size of the content. Initially it would always open at a min-height (500px i think) and then get taller if the content required it to. Now when I was fiddling around with the min-height I noticed that it no longer does this. The min-height now essentially just seems to set the height overall.

I'm not sure if this is something that I've changed in the last few days in trying to fix it.

Please start a new thread.

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