dennishall 0 Junior Poster in Training

Hi there:

I have a couple of scripts below where I have one issue as follows:

I have a photoSlider div with my images changing in it from my function called slideIt().
This function displays the images in the div and should allow you to click on them replacing the current page contents(index.php).
I am able to open a URL when I click a photo in the photoSlider, but but it launches in a new window.
I need it to open in the parent window.

I also have a second function called changeIt() below allowing 4 buttons to change the photoSlider image using onmouseover(), change the page using onClick() and restart slideIt() using onmouseout(). The onClick() function works perfectly here and opens the link in the parent window.

If anyone can identify my issue with the slideIt() script opening the URL in a new window, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,

<div id="photoSlider" align="center">
  <a href="javascript:gotoshow()"><img src="image1.jpg" name="slide" border=0 width=765 height=150/></a>

//configure the paths of the images, plus corresponding target links if you want
//image1.jpg is twice to display to display it for 4 seconds
      var slideshowspeed=2000
      var whichlink=0
      var whichimage=0
      function slideIt(){
        if (!document.images)
        if (whichimage<slideimages.length-1)

    function changeIt(imageName,objName){
      var obj = document.getElementById(objName);
      var imgTag = "<img src='"+imageName+"' border='0' height='150px' width='765px' />";
      whichlink = whichimage
      obj.innerHTML = imgTag;
<div class="leftColumn_home">
  <div class="upper_leftColumn">
      <img border="0" hspace="20" alt="" vspace="2" width="181" height="43" src="button1.jpg" onmouseover="changeIt('image1.jpg','photoSlider')" onmouseout="top.location.href='index.php';" onclick="top.location.href='file2.php';" />
      <img border="0" hspace="20" alt="" vspace="2" width="181" height="43" src="button2.jpg" onmouseover="changeIt('image2.jpg','photoSlider')" onmouseout="top.location.href='index.php';" onclick="top.location.href='file3.php';" />
      <img border="0" hspace="20" alt="" vspace="2" width="181" height="43" src="button3.jpg" onmouseover="changeIt('image3.jpg','photoSlider')" onmouseout="top.location.href='index.php';" onclick="top.location.href='file3.php';" />
      <img border="0" hspace="20" alt="" vspace="2" width="181" height="43" src="button4.jpg" onmouseover="changeIt('image4.jpg','photoSlider')" onmouseout="top.location.href='index.php';" onclick="top.location.href='file4.php';" />
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