teedoff 3 Posting Pro

Hi, I know nothing about ajax, except that I think I need to use it to accomplish what I want. I have a cf template that performs a query and returns the results in a table display on result.cfm. I would then like for the user to be able to narrow those results even further. For example, if the user searches for GE, the returns might be 500 rows. Then the user could click on a dropdown list that is populated by the initial query and select other criteria within the GE table to narrow thsoe 500 records down more. Again, I know nothing of Ajax, but I went through this tutorial and got it to work correctly, so I feel this is possible for what I need.
If anyone knows how I can rework the above tutorial's code, or of another tutorial to do what I need, please let me know. Thanks in advance!

Also, if you need to see my cfm code, no problem. Its just a standard query and dynamic table. TIA