mduncan8 0 Newbie Poster

Currently, my site uses a function in the code behind to generate html links to that open a pop-up to a page based on the id that is passed to the function.

<%= openPlanFinderGlossary("0093") %>
public static string openPlanFinderGlossary(string id)
            string retVal;
            string altText;
            string termName = getGlossaryTermName(id);

            if (PlanFinderSessionManager.Demographics.LanguageIndex == 2)
                altText = "Definición glosario para " + termName + " - abre una ventana nueva";
            else //deault to English
                altText = "Glossary definition for " + termName + " - Opens in new window";
            retVal = "<a class=\"InputText InputTextPrint\" href=\"javascript:openWindow('planfinder-glossary.aspx?termId=" 
                + id + "')\"title=\"" + altText + "\"><span class=\"HiddenText\">" + altText + "</span>[?]</a>";

            return retVal;

The problem is that recently our client added a requirement that when the user clicks the print button on the page, all links must be disabled. I've tried to convert this to an asp:HyperLink but that doesn't work and I've tried to add and id and the runat="server" in order to check the page for the HTMLAnchor types but that hasn't worked either. Is there any way that I can make this accessible from the code behind?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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