This is my first web application. I've problem in accessing my web page through IIS. Before going to my issue, let me explain about the process of my project. I've totally 4 pages in my prjt ( page 1, a,b,c ). In page1 i've a IFrame where i load all the other pages. So, the Page 1 is the main page for all other pages.
Whenever a request comes to Page 1, i'll connect to DB and do some process and load all the sub pages in Page 1. And each sub pages load, connect with DB and list some products in Dropdown box.
Now the problem is, when i send request to IIS i'm getting the page and i leave tht page idle upto session expires(20 min). Then i try to load any of the sub pages its not connecting to DB and, i could not able to access the page until i re-start the IIS. Not able to access page means, i could not able to connect with DB. So straightly request goes to static error page instead of normal page. I did some research on this issue.
What i found is, when the first request comes w3wp.exe started and its shutdown after session expires, and the first requested page was not closed yet and again a request came from the same page a new w3wp.exe created but not connecting DB and also not printing local log. In the meanwhile if anyother request comes after the request from idle page its not working (connecting to DB and not even prints log ). Only after the second w3wp.exe shutdown i can able to access the page.
Why the request from the Idle page affects other browser requests.
Can anybody help me to solve this issue.
S. Ramkumar