i have to the following code which give u a cost price(thats our price) and a RRP i have made it work the difrence out and put its as a % but cant get it to show anything other than "£0" for saving have i missed somthing
$_REQUEST['type'] = explode("-", $_REQUEST['type']);
$_REQUEST['type'] = $_REQUEST['type'][0];
if (!$_REQUEST['type']) { $_REQUEST['type'] = "zero"; }
if ($_REQUEST['type']) {
if ($_REQUEST['type'] == "zero") { $_REQUEST['type'] = 0; }
//Sub Product type
$i = 0;
$result = $myDB->query_select("SELECT * FROM " . $config['table_product_types'] . " WHERE parent = " . $_REQUEST['type'] . " ORDER BY Id ASC");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$dataa[$i][Id] = $row['Id'];
$dataa[$i][descrip] = $row['descrip'];
$dataa[$i][image] = "images/product_types/" . $row['image'];
$dataa[$i][imagecl] = $row['image'];
$dataa[$i][name] = str_replace("\"", """, $row['name']);
$dataa[$i][name] = str_replace("'", "´", $dataa[$i][name]);
$dataa[$i][name] = str_replace("&", "&", $dataa[$i][name]);
$dataa[$i][name] = str_replace("-", " ", $dataa[$i][name]);
$dataa[$i][name] = str_replace("/", "/", $dataa[$i][name]);
$dataa[$i][plink] = "category-" . $dataa[$i][Id] . "-" . str_replace("/", "-", $dataa[$i][name]) . "-1.html";
if ((!$row['image']) || (!is_file($dataa[$i][image]))) {
$dataa[$i][image] = $dataa[$i][name];
} else {
$dataa[$i][image] = "<img src='images/product_types/" . $row['image'] . "' style='border:none'>";
$wharray[$i] = $G->scaleimage("./images/product_types/" . $row['image'], $config['maxpindeximgw'], $config['maxpindeximgh']);
$dataa[$i][imageh] = $wharray[$i]['h'];
$dataa[$i][imagew] = $wharray[$i]['w'];
} else {
die("error :");
if ((!$_REQUEST['from']) && (!$_REQUEST['to'])){
//gets total products
$result = $myDB->query_select("SELECT * FROM " . $config['table_product_types'] . " WHERE Id = '" . $_REQUEST['type'] . "'");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC);
$total = $row['products'];
} else {
$result = $myDB->query_select("SELECT * FROM " . $config['table_products'] . "
WHERE type = {$_REQUEST['type']} && cost > {$_REQUEST['from']} && cost < {$_REQUEST['to']}");
$total = mysql_num_rows($result);
$_REQUEST['ptitle'] = str_replace(" ", "-", $_REQUEST['ptitle']);
//$total = $myItems->getTotalProducts($_REQUEST['type']);
$pages = new pagination($config['p_limit'], $_REQUEST['page'], $total, "category-" . $_REQUEST['type'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['ptitle'] . "", $_REQUEST['from'], $_REQUEST['to']);
$main_start = $pages->return_pagestart();
$products = $myItems->getAll("type", $_REQUEST['type'], $main_start, '', $_REQUEST['to'], $_REQUEST['from']); // Gets all the items from the database (need to check speed)
$pagetpl = new template; //Creates a new instance of the template class for this page
$pagetpl->set_template($page_url, "[", "]"); //Sets the tpl (template) file and the prefix and sufix characters
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($products); $i++) {
$products[$i]['fullname'] = $products[$i]['name'];
$products[$i]['saving'] = $products[$i]['rrp'] - $products[$i]['cost'];
$products[$i]['name'] = substr($products[$i]['name'], 0, 25);
$products[$i]['fuldescrip'] = $products[$i]['descrip'];
$products[$i]['descrip'] = substr($products[$i]['descrip'], 0, 40) . "...";
if ((empty($products[$i]['firstimage'])) || (!is_file("images/products/" . $products[$i]['firstimage']))) {
$products[$i]['firstimage'] = "{SKINDIR}/no_image.gif";
} else {
$products[$i]['firstimage'] = "images/products/" . $products[$i]['firstimage'];
$firstimagesizes[$i] = $C->scaleimage($products[$i]['firstimage'], $config['maxpindeximgw'], $config['maxpindeximgh']);
$products[$i]['firstimagew'] = $firstimagesizes[$i]['w'];
$products[$i]['firstimageh'] = $firstimagesizes[$i]['h'];
###### LINK ######
$products[$i]['urlname'] = str_replace("\"", """, $products[$i]['fullname']);
$products[$i]['urlname'] = str_replace("'", "´", $products[$i]['urlname']);
$products[$i]['urlname'] = str_replace("&", "&", $products[$i]['urlname']);
$products[$i]['urlname'] = str_replace(" ", "-", $products[$i]['urlname']);
$products[$i]['itemlink'] = "product-" . $products[$i]['pid'] . "-" . $products[$i]['urlname'] . ".html";
if (($products[$i]['rrp'] > 0) && ($products[$i]['rrp'] != "0.00")){
$products[$i]['saving'] = $row['rrp'] - $row['cost'];
$savings = ($products[$i]['rrp'] - $products[$i]['cost']);
$percent = round( ($savings/$products[$i]['rrp'])*100);
$products[$i]['percent'] = $percent;
} else {
$products[$i]['percent'] = "N/A";
$products[$i]['saving'] = "N/A";
$products[$i]['rrp'] = "N/A";
if ($products[$i]['saleprice'] > "0.00") {
$products[$i]['saleprice'] = "<font color=\"#990000\">Sale Price: " . $products[$i]['saleprice'] . "</font>";
} else {
$products[$i]['saleprice'] = "";
//Theses are all the varibles that we can use in the tpl file.
$pagetpl->set_var('TITLE', $_REQUEST['ptitle'], '');
$pagetpl->set_var('SKINDIR', './templates/' . $config['skin_id'] . '/images');
$pagetpl->set_var('products', $products, '');
$pagetpl->set_var('TOTALPRODUCTS', $total, '');
$pagetpl->set_var('PLINKS', $pages->draw_links(), '');
$pagetpl->set_var('productssize', $C->sizeofarray($products), '', TRUE); //sets up the empty cart if statement
$pagetpl->set_var('PTYPEIMG', $_REQUEST['timage']);
$pagetpl->set_var('USERID', $user_id);
$pagetpl->set_var('loggedin', $C->logictest($user_id), '', TRUE); //if statement
$pagetpl->set_var('subplist', $dataa, '');
$pagetpl->set_var('subplsize', $C->sizeofarray($dataa), '', TRUE); //sets up the empty cart if statement
//This draw the page with all its changes to the screen.
$content = $pagetpl->draw();