cookies set by cfm may retrieved by php? if iframe have or not (other page)?
In a cfm page may insert:
<iframe src="country.php" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" width="120" height="14" style=" border:none"></iframe>
where country.php: // to get ip I used $_COOKIE set by cfm, get by php, well seems default NULL appear in country always, where error?
function getIP()
else if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
else $ip = “UNKNOWN”;
return $ip;
$ipNEW = getIP();
if ((!empty($IP)) && ($IP != "UNKNOWN")){
$country = file_get_contents(''.$IP);
} else
$country = 'unknown';
$linkid = mysql_connect($hostname,$username,$password);
@mysql_select_db($database,$linkid) or die( "Unable to select database");
$query15 = "INSERT INTO yyyy SET country='$country' WHERE countNumVisitor = $countNumVisitor"; // refURL
$result15 = @mysql_query($query15,$linkid) or die("Unable to execute query. Please try again later. line 168"); // linkid2
echo $countNumVisitor." ".$country; // firefox shows number of visitior the:239 as cookie but printed nothing[even "iii" not printed]... needed get bigger iframe?
cfml cookie set as
<cfcookie name="countNumVisitor" value="#countNumVisitor#" expires="never" >
firefox shows correct value for cookie but php do es not print it....