pipskikostka 0 Newbie Poster

I have one template page that I am using to show information about 8 different projects. some projects require .wav files on the page. So on those pages that require .wav's i want to show the sound file for them to play, and on those pages that dont require sound i want to show nothing.

this is the basic code

<embed type="audio/x-wav" src="<?=$sound1[$_GET]?>" hidden="true" autoplay="false" autostart="false" width="200" height="16">

with <?=$sound1[$_GET]?> either being, for example,


this works fine on firefox - it displays nothing when no file is there. but on IE and Chrome it shows the whited-out qtplayer. Any good suggestions to get IE and chrome to ignore it if there is no file or show nothing. I dont want to take up space by usinmg Hidden as a variable as some pages require 9 songs and others none.

thanks in advance.