Here's what I'm doing:
I've got a number of online forms that I'm generating dynamically based on the database (there's basically a table that contains all of the user controls that exist in a particular form).
That part works...I have a single .aspx page (forms.aspx) that has a query string. The query string identifies a particular type of form. A method gets called that takes the query string as a parameter and builds out the form.
Here's the part I'm having a hard time with:
There may be 30-50 forms, each with their own unique set of user controls. What's the best way to gather that data? I was planning on passing the page controls to a 'form_processing' class to take care of the individual processing that occurs for each type of form, but I can't access the user control properties outside of the page.
What I'm starting with:
public partial class form : System.Web.UI.Page
string queryString;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
queryString = Request.QueryString["formID"];
UIBuilder builder = new UIBuilder(queryString, pnlMain);
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Page.IsValid)
//Go through all the userControls that have been built, see if they exist on the page,
//and get values for all the inputs
foreach (Control c in pnlMain.Controls)
if (c.GetType().Name.ToLower() == "usercontrols_usrcontactinformation_ascx")
UserControls_usrContactInformation uc = (UserControls_usrContactInformation)c;
if (c.GetType().Name.ToLower() == "usercontrols_usradddrop_ascx")
UserControls_usrAddDrop ucAddDrop = (UserControls_usrAddDrop)c;
//there are many more to check on
//To Do: submit data for the specific form that is being worked on
This is going to get messy when I have to put in all the logic, so this is what I'd like to do:
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Page.IsValid)
//Send all the page data to a new class for processing
FormProcessor fp = new FormProcessor(queryString, pnlMain, this.Page);
This doesn't work though. Usually when something like this doesn't work for me it means that I'm taking the wrong approach. Actually since having started this post I'm thinking that I shouldn't have to go back and check every single user control to see if it's on the page, I should just be able to have a method similar to the one that builds the page--that should tell me what controls to check for...
Anyone have any other ideas/approaches on how to process these forms?