McLaren 3 Posting Whiz in Training
	            //echo  $config['upload_path'];
	           	$error = $this->upload->display_errors();
	            echo $error.':err';	//pagal galune .err javasctriptas atskirs kad cia klaida 
	            $data = $this->upload->data();
	        	if($data['image_width'] > 700)
		            $task = $this->image->image_resize_for_gallery('./uploads/gallery/'.$this->input->post('album_folder').'/'.$data['file_name']);
		            if($task != 'ok')
		            	echo $task.':err';	//pagal galune .err javasctriptas atskirs kad cia klaida
	            	echo $data['file_name'];
	            	echo 'Nepavyko įkelt mažos nuotraukytes:err';

When image_width > 700 then thumbnail is not created.

So how this part

if($data['image_width'] > 700)
		            $task = $this->image->image_resize_for_gallery('./uploads/gallery/'.$this->input->post('album_folder').'/'.$data['file_name']);
		            if($task != 'ok')
		            	echo $task.':err';	//pagal galune .err javasctriptas atskirs kad cia klaida

can change anything? It looks that it just does what it has to do - makes image smaller. And I made console.log in javascript and it does not show any error..

Nothing fancy in image resize function:

function image_resize_for_gallery($source_image)
		$config['image_library'] = 'gd2';

		$config['source_image'] = $source_image;
		$config['maintain_ratio'] = TRUE;
		$config['width']	 = 534;
		$config['height']	= 700;
		$this->load->library('image_lib', $config); 

		if ( ! $this->image_lib->resize())
			return $this->image_lib->display_errors();
		else return 'ok'; 