Hello everyone
My current scenario is
creating a mark sheet for students on different module.
Module 1 marks are as follows
Grade A = 70 marks or over
Grade B = 55-69
Grade C = 40 -54
Grade F = 0-39
Module 2 marks are as follows
Grade A = 75 marks or over
Grade B = 60-74
Grade C = 40 -59
Grade F = 0-39
and many other modules but with different marks
so when a new module is added
If the new grade is added and the grade = "B" Then
Grade B maximum mark should always be less than grade A minimum mark
but also Grade B Minimum mark should always be higher than Grade C Maximum Mark.
I have managed to create a select statement where it calls in a function Greater than which is as follows:
Private Function CheckGreaterThan(ByVal Pub As Integer, ByVal Rate As Char, ByVal MinMax As String, ByVal Value As Integer) As Boolean
Dim LowValue As Integer
Dim MyRateCardDetails As RateCardDetailsBLL = New RateCardDetailsBLL
Dim MyRCDetails As RateCardDetailsDataTable = MyRateCardDetails.GetSpecGrade(Module, Rate)
Dim minmaxFieldName As String = ""
If MinMax = "MAX" Then
minmaxFieldName = "Max_Value"
ElseIf MinMax = "MIN" Then
minmaxFieldName = "Min_Value"
End If
If MyRCDetails.Rows.Count = 0 Then
'This causes problems as if i return True it just addes the new record but doesnt do any 'validation check :(
ElseIf MyRCDetails.Rows.Count > 0 Then
If minmaxFieldName.Length > 0 Then
LblError.Visible = True
LblError.Text = "Stage 1"
LowValue = MyRCDetails.Rows(0)(minmaxFieldName)
If MyRCDetails.Rows.Count = 0 Then
Return True
ElseIf MyRCDetails.Rows.Count > 0 Then
If Value > LowValue Then
Return True
LblError.Visible = True
LblError.Text = "Stage 1 a"
Return False
LblError.Visible = True
LblError.Text = "Stage 1 b"
End If
End If
LblError.Visible = True
LblError.Text = "Cant get past this stage for some reason :s"
End If
End If
Similar code to CheckLessThan
But at the moment when i create A grade it works, but doesnt do a validation check when i add a B grade as it requires to see if a row exists for grade C, But the thing is i still haven't added a Grade C but i would still like to make sure that Grade B Maximum is still smaller than Grade A Minimum.
Please can anyone help please