vikassoni1033 0 Newbie Poster

Here is one code of php 2 dropdown and one button i down want button,
and use ajax in dropdown..... how can i do it?

$to_plaza_poi = array();
$from_plaza_poi = array();
$hasMessage = false;
$row1 = "";
$row2 = "0.00";
$row3 = "0.00";
$fromPost = "";
$toPost = "";

$error = false;
//display a single point of interest, optionally bolded
function displayPOISimple($poi_arr, $plaza_name, $is_bold)

$bold_start = "";

$bold_end = "";

if ($is_bold)


$bold_start = "<strong>";

$bold_end = "</strong>";


if (!empty($poi_arr))


echo "<dl>

foreach ($poi_arr as $poi)


echo "<dd>$bold_start$poi$bold_end</dd>


echo "</dl>";



//dipslay the fields for the points of interest

function displayPOI($from_poi_arr, $from_plaza_name, $to_poi_arr, $to_plaza_name)


echo "

<!-- Start Points of Interest Bar -->

<div id=\"poibar\">

<h4>Points of Interest</h4>


if (!empty($from_poi_arr))


echo "



foreach ($from_poi_arr as $poi)


echo "<dd>$poi</dd>


echo "



if (!empty($to_poi_arr))


echo "



foreach ($to_poi_arr as $poi)


echo "<dd>$poi</dd>



echo "


<!-- End Points of Interest Bar -->



//initialize the fare container

$obj_fare_container = new FareContainer();

//parse plazas.xml and init the plaza array


$plaza_arr = $obj_fare_container->getPlazaArr();

$parse_fares = false;

$from = "";

$to = "";

//if this iteration is from submission, then check the variables, and, if necessary, draw the map

if (isset($_POST))


if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST))


$fromPost = $POST;

$parse_fares = true;

$from = strip_tags(trim($_POST));




$message .= "<p>Please select an onramp.</p>";

$error = true;


if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST))


$toPost = $POST;
$parse_fares = $parse_fares & true;

$to = strip_tags(trim($_POST));




$message .= "<p>Please select an offramp.</p>";

$error = true;



//parse fares.xml only if the form was submitted. This reduces unnecessary load on the server

if ($parse_fares)



$fare_arr = $obj_fare_container->getFareArr();

foreach ($fare_arr as $obj_fare)


//check if our From/To variables match the entry/exit points in the XML

//If match, check if altentry or altexit points were defined, and produce a message suggesting alternative routes

if ($obj_fare->getEntryPlaza() == $from && $obj_fare->getExitPlaza() == $to)


$alt_entry_plaza = $obj_fare->getAltEntryPlaza();

$alt_exit_plaza = $obj_fare->getAltExitPlaza();

$from_plaza = $obj_fare_container->getPlaza($from);

$from_plaza_name = $from_plaza->getPlazaName();

$to_plaza = $obj_fare_container->getPlaza($to);

$to_plaza_name = $to_plaza->getPlazaName();

if ($alt_entry_plaza != "" || $alt_exit_plaza != "")


$message = "<p>You cannot travel from <strong>$from_plaza_name</strong> to <strong>$to_plaza_name</strong>.</p><p>";

$error = true;

//add the validation message to the message

$validation_msg = $obj_fare->getValidationMsg();

//if alt_entry_plaza is empty, we know that the onramp is not allowed. Otherwise, it's the offramp.

if ($alt_entry_plaza != "")


//there is no entry point.

if ($validation_msg != "")


$message .= "$validation_msg";

$message .= " at $from_plaza_name. ";


//obtain the entry plaza name by first obtaining the object and then the name from the object

$obj_alt_entry_plaza = $obj_fare_container->getPlaza($alt_entry_plaza);

$alt_entry_plaza_name = $obj_alt_entry_plaza->getPlazaName();

if ($alt_entry_plaza_name != "NONE")


$message .= "Consider traveling from <strong>$alt_entry_plaza_name</strong> instead.</p>";





//there is no entry point.

if ($validation_msg != "")


$message .= "$validation_msg";

$message .= " at $to_plaza_name. ";


//obtain the entry plaza name by first obtaining the object and then the name from the object

$obj_alt_exit_plaza = $obj_fare_container->getPlaza($alt_exit_plaza);

$alt_exit_plaza_name = $obj_alt_exit_plaza->getPlazaName();

if ($alt_exit_plaza_name != "NONE")


$message .= "Consider traveling to <strong>$alt_exit_plaza_name</strong> instead.</p>";


$error = true;




$hasMessage = true;
$row1 = $message = "<p>The toll for your trip from <strong>$from_plaza_name</strong> to <strong>$to_plaza_name</strong>:</p>";

$message .= "<p>FasTrak<sup>®</sup>: $" . $obj_fare->getEtcFare() . "<br/>";

$row2 = $obj_fare->getEtcFare();

$message .= "Cash/Credit Card: $" . $obj_fare->getCashFare() . "</p>";

$row3 = $obj_fare->getCashFare();

$onramp_x = $from_plaza->getX_Coor();

$onramp_y = $from_plaza->getY_Coor();

$offramp_x = $to_plaza->getX_Coor();

$offramp_y = $to_plaza->getY_Coor();

//grab the points of interest for display

$from_plaza_poi = $from_plaza->getPointsOfInterest();

$to_plaza_poi = $to_plaza->getPointsOfInterest();





//if at this point there is no fare, that means that the Onramp/Offramp combination is invalid.

//this is default, in case the onramp/offramp alternative entry/exit points are not defined.

if ($message == "")


$from_plaza_name = $obj_fare_container->getPlazaName($from);

$to_plaza_name = $obj_fare_container->getPlazaName($to);

$message = "<p>You cannot travel from <strong>$from_plaza_name</strong> to <strong>$to_plaza_name</strong>. Please select another route.</p>";

$error = true;



<!-- Start Points of Interest Bar -->
<div id="poibar"></div>
<div id="wrap">
<div id="innerwrap">
<div id="main1">
<div id="content">
<div id="leftcol">
<div id="tollform">
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER;?>">
<div class="toll_img">
<table style="width: 95%;" border="0">
$from_field = "<select name='from'>";
foreach ($plaza_arr as $obj_plaza)
if (($obj_plaza->hasSbOnramp() || $obj_plaza->hasNbOnramp()) && !$obj_plaza->isHelperPoint())
$from_value = $obj_plaza->getPlazaCode();
$from_label = $obj_plaza->getPlazaName();

$selected = "";
if($from == $from_value){
$selected = "selected = 'selected'";

$from_field .= "<option {$selected} value='{$from_value}'>{$from_label}</option>";
$from_field .= "</select>";
echo $from_field;
$from_field = "<select name='to'>";
foreach ($plaza_arr as $obj_plaza)
if (($obj_plaza->hasSbOnramp() || $obj_plaza->hasNbOnramp()) && !$obj_plaza->isHelperPoint())
$from_value = $obj_plaza->getPlazaCode();
$from_label = $obj_plaza->getPlazaName();

$selected = "";
if($to == $from_value){
$selected = "selected = 'selected'";

$from_field .= "<option {$selected} value='{$from_value}'>{$from_label}</option>";
$from_field .= "</select>";
echo $from_field;

<td colspan="2"><input class="button12" type="submit" name="submit" value="Calculate Toll" /></td>

<table style="width: 94%; padding-top:4px;" border="0">

<?php if($hasMessage && count($_POST)) : ?>
<td style="font-family:'oswald';">Your Toll with FasTrak     Cash / Credit Card $<b><?php echo $row3 ?></b></td>
<td style="font-family:'oswald';"></td>
<td style="font-size:25px; font-weight:bold; font-family: 'oswald';">$ <?php echo $row2 ?></td>
<?php elseif(!$hasMessage && count($_POST)) : ?>
<td colspan="2"><?php echo $message; ?></td>
<?php else : ?>
<td style="font-family:'oswald';">Your Toll with FasTrak     Cash / Credit Card $<b><?php echo $row3 ?></b></td>
<td style="font-family:'oswald';"></td>
<td style="font-size:25px; font-weight:bold; font-family: 'oswald';">$ <?php echo $row2 ?></td>
<?php endif; ?>
<div id="sidebar"></div>
<div id="footer1"></div>
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