Viruthagiri 0 Light Poster

I'm using cubepoints. It has a module named "paid content". Paid content

module hides the post content. User need to pay "X" points to view the

page. But this module only hides main content. I mean it hides the content

whatever "the_content" loop calls.

Here is my problem. I'm using magic fields plugin. It is a plugin to create

custom fields.
So my site doesn't use the_content loop.

For example this is the code my theme uses instead of the_content loop.

if (function_exists('get_field')) { 
                        $requirements = get_field

                                foreach($requirements as $requirement){
                                echo $requirement;

Now i want to hide these custom field contents.
This is the full source code of paid content module.

The filter function code is from line 187 to line 204 (see the code below).

function cp_module_pcontent_post_content($content){
    		global $post;
    		global $cp_module_pcontent_hide;
    			return $content;
    		$c = '<p>' . get_option('cp_module_pcontent_text_pay') . 

    		$c .= apply_filters('cp_module_pcontent_post_content_'.

$post->ID, '');
    		$c .= '<form method="post">';
    		$c .= '<input type="hidden" name="cp_module_pcontent_pay" 

value="'.$post->ID.'" />';
    		$c .= '<p><input type="submit" value="'.get_option

('cp_module_pcontent_text_button').'" /></p>';
    		$c .= '</form>';
    			$c = get_option('cp_module_pcontent_text_logout');
    		$c = str_replace('%points%',cp_formatPoints(get_post_meta

($post->ID,'cp_pcontent_points', 1)),$c);
    		return $c;

So can anyone alter the code to hide the custom fields?

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