ariez88 -4 Light Poster

I have a web application which have a datalist within a datalist. The outer datalist make parent items and the inner one the child items both with checkboxes for selection. I am retrieving these items from a database.
1. I want the parent item to be checked/unchecked automatically if any of the children is checked/unchecked.
2. All the children should be checked if the parent is checked.

I just dont know how to do this with datalists. Although, I have implemented this logic in my code by the use of flags and count variables but I want it to be visible to users. Shall i use javascripts for that? But keeping in mind tht scripting has issues with browsers. IE is recommended browser.

Many thanks.
Technology Used is .NET 4.

Below is the code I hv used for implementing this logic in C#.

bool flag;
            bool Parentflag = false;
            int count = 0;//count=1 means only parent exists, count=2 means parent+child exists
            int labelID = 0;
            using (SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ToString()))
                BLL.Admin adminObj = new BLL.Admin(sqlcon.ConnectionString);
                foreach (DataListItem lstitem in dlstMenu.Items)
                    //Code for iterating Parent Menu Items

                    if (lstitem.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || lstitem.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
                        flag = false;
                        Label lblPageIdParent = (Label)lstitem.FindControl("lblPageId");
                        CheckBox chkPageCaption = (CheckBox)lstitem.FindControl("chkPageCaption");
                        labelID = Convert.ToInt32(lblPageIdParent.Text);
                        if (chkPageCaption.Checked)
                        //Add Permissions for Parent Page
                            adminObj.SavePagePermissions(1, Convert.ToInt32(lblPageIdParent.Text), DropDownRoles.SelectedValue.ToString());
                            Parentflag = false;
                            count = 1;
                        DataList dlstpage = (DataList)lstitem.FindControl("dlstpage");
                        foreach (DataListItem item in dlstpage.Items)
                            Parentflag = true;
                            if (item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item || item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem)
                                //parent checkbox
                                CheckBox cbxPage = (CheckBox)item.FindControl("chkPageCaption");
                                RadioButtonList rdoPermissions = (RadioButtonList)item.FindControl("rdoPermission");
                                Label lblPageID = (Label)item.FindControl("lblPageId");
                                if (cbxPage != null)
                                    if (cbxPage.Checked)
                                        //Check parent if any of the children is checked.
                                          if (!chkPageCaption.Checked)
                                            //Save permissions for parent item only once.
                                            if (!flag)
                                                adminObj.SavePagePermissions(1, Convert.ToInt32(lblPageIdParent.Text), DropDownRoles.SelectedValue.ToString());
                                                flag = true;
                                        foreach (ListItem rdlst in rdoPermissions.Items)
                                            if (rdlst.Selected)
                                                //Save Permissions for child items.
                                                adminObj.SavePagePermissions(Convert.ToInt32(rdlst.Value), Convert.ToInt32(lblPageID.Text), DropDownRoles.SelectedValue.ToString());
                                                Parentflag = true;
                                                count = 2;
                    //Delete entry for parent item if none of the children is selected.
                    if (count != 0)
                        if (Parentflag==true && count == 1)
                            adminObj.ExecuteSQL("DELETE FROM [tbl_PagePermissions] WHERE PAGEID = " + labelID + " AND ROLEID = '" + DropDownRoles.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'", sqlcon.ConnectionString);
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