kirthigamerlin 0 Newbie Poster

I want to draw circular gauge using canvas. I written code by referring net. but its not in proper direction after giving points to the scale. I posted my code below:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>jQuery Knob demo</title>
        <script src=""></script>
        <!--[if IE]><script type="text/javascript" src="excanvas.js"></script><![endif]-->
        <script src=""></script>
            $(document).ready(function() {
                var knob_val = $('.knob').val();
                    draw: function() {
                        //this.$c is canvas
                        //this.c is canvas context

                    change: function(v) {
                        knob_val = Math.round(v);

                function callDraw(knob_val) {

                    var c = document.getElementById("measure_gauge");
                    var ctx = c.getContext("2d");

                    var centerX = c.width/2; // Center x of the meter
                    var centerY = c.height/2; // Center y of the meter
                    var largeHashCount = 10;  // The spacing of large hashes, 16 per 360 degrees
                    var smallHashCount = 50;  // The spacing of small hashes, 80 per 360 degrees
                    var outterRadius = 170;    // How far from the center both large and small hashes will start
                    var largeHashRadius = 188; // How far from the center large hashes will end
                    var smallHashRadius = 180; // How far from the center small hashes will end

                    // Get the outter points of our large hash lines
                    var largeHashesOut = getNPointsOnCircle( centerX, centerY, outterRadius, largeHashCount );
                    // Get the inner pints ouf our large hash li
                    var largeHashesIn = getNPointsOnCircle( centerX, centerY, largeHashRadius, largeHashCount );
                    // The hashes start on the right side of the circle
                    // and we need to strip off the bottom 3, so remove 3,4,5

                    largeHashesOut.splice(3, 0);
                    largeHashesIn.splice(3, 0);

                    // Get the outter points of our small hashes
                    var smallHashesOut = getNPointsOnCircle( centerX, centerY, outterRadius, smallHashCount );
                    // Get the inner points out of our small hashes
                    var smallHashesIn = getNPointsOnCircle( centerX, centerY, smallHashRadius, smallHashCount);   
                    // The hashes start on the right side of the circle
                    // and we need to strip off the bottom 20, so remove 10,11,12,13....
                    smallHashesOut.splice(10, 5);
                    smallHashesIn.splice(10, 5);                      

                    run(c, ctx, largeHashesOut, largeHashesIn, smallHashesOut, smallHashesIn, knob_val);

                function drawMeter(c, ctx, largeHashesOut, largeHashesIn, smallHashesOut, smallHashesIn, knob_val) {    
                    // Small Hashes
                    var small_deg = 61;
                    ctx.strokeStyle = "#696969";
                    ctx.lineWidth = 1;
                    for( var i = 0; i < smallHashesOut.length; i++ ) {
                        ctx.moveTo( smallHashesOut[i].x, smallHashesOut[i].y );
                        ctx.lineTo( smallHashesIn[i].x, smallHashesIn[i].y );
                        if(small_deg%5 != 0) {
                            if(knob_val == small_deg) 
                                ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
                                ctx.fillStyle = "#FFFFFF";
                            ctx.fillText(small_deg,smallHashesIn[i].x ,smallHashesIn[i].y-10);
                        small_deg = parseInt(small_deg) + 1;

                    // Large Hashes
                    ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000";
                    ctx.lineWidth = 2;
                    var deg = 60;
                    for( var i = 0; i < largeHashesOut.length; i++ ) {
                        ctx.moveTo( largeHashesOut[i].x, largeHashesOut[i].y );
                        ctx.lineTo( largeHashesIn[i].x, largeHashesIn[i].y );
                        if(knob_val == deg) 
                            ctx.fillStyle = "blue";
                            ctx.fillStyle = "#000000";
                        ctx.fillText(deg+'\xB0',largeHashesIn[i].x + 2,largeHashesIn[i].y+20);
                        deg = deg + 5;
                function getNPointsOnCircle( x, y, radius, n) {
                    // Found out the spacing of each point based on n points in 360 degrees
                    var hashSpacing = Math.PI * 2.5 / n;
                    var points = [];

                    // For each point of n, find it's position based on the given radius and starting x, y
                    for( var i = 0; i < n; i++ ){
                        var a = hashSpacing * i;
                        points.push( { x: x + Math.cos( a ) * radius , y: y + Math.sin( a ) * radius  } );
                    return points;

                function run(c, ctx, largeHashesOut, largeHashesIn, smallHashesOut, smallHashesIn, knob_val){
                    ctx.clearRect( 0, 0, c.width, c.height );
                    drawMeter(c, ctx, largeHashesOut, largeHashesIn, smallHashesOut, smallHashesIn, knob_val);
                    window.setTimeout( run, 1000 / 60 );

                // to find x,y position
                var c = document.getElementById("measure_gauge");
                var ctx = c.getContext("2d");
                c.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) {

                    var pos = getMousePos(c, e), /// provide this canvas and event
                        x = pos.x,
                        y = pos.y;

                    /// check x and y against the grid

                }, false);

                function getMousePos(canvas, e) {
                    var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
                    return {x: e.clientX - rect.left, y: e.clientY -};

            .dialDiv {
                margin-top: -27%;
                text-align: center;
            .gaugeDiv {
                text-align: center;
        <div class="gaugeDiv">
            <canvas id="measure_gauge" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
        <div class="dialDiv">
            <input class="knob" data-angleOffset=-150 data-angleArc=300 data-width=300 data-height=300 data-thickness=".15" data-fgColor="#66EE66" data-rotation="anticlockwise" data-linecap="round" value="85" data-min="60" data-max="90">

My circular gauge points starts from 60 to 90 (60,65,70,75,80,85,90) in clockwise direction.

Kindly help me on this to solve this issue.