Dipanjana 0 Light Poster

Hi . I am writing sp that i will use for generating SSRS reports . In the sp , i hv passed month name as input parameter. I am able to get the required output but need to filter it based on months .i.e entries present for current month upto next 11 months should be displayed . The data that is displayed includes a propertyvisitid, a value of 0 or 1 based on full or half day , questions answered for each day and calculated percentage based on total qsns answered and another field showing data is full day complete , half day complete or full or half day incomplete . I need to filter data based on months. i dnt knw if i need to use dateadd or different function .
I am pasting my sp code as below :

/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[proc_GetReport]    Script Date: 06/22/2015 10:11:40 ******/

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[proc_GetReport]  --  proc_GetReport 6
@MonthName int  
DECLARE @temp table(categoryid int,propvisitmainid int,fullorhalfdays int,total int) 

 insert into @temp 
 select distinct ac.auditcategoryid,pv.propertyvisitmainid,pv.FullHalfDays,
 -- showing no of touch points 
case when pv.fullhalfdays=0 then 4 
     when pv.fullhalfdays=1  then 2  
      end as total 
from auditcategories ac 
left outer join AuditCategoryQuestions acq on ac.auditcategoryid=acq.auditcategoryid
left outer join auditquestionsresponse qresp on qresp.auditcategoryquestionsid=acq.auditcategoryquestionsid
left outer join PropertyVisitMain pv on pv.propertyvisitmainid= qresp.propertyvisitmainid
group by ac.auditcategoryid,pv.propertyvisitmainid,pv.fullhalfdays  

select distinct propvisitmainid,fullorhalfdays,Count(*) as Touchpts,(Count(*)*100)/total as percentage,

case when Count(*)= 4 and fullorhalfdays=0  then 'FullDayComplete'
     when Count(*)= 2 and fullorhalfdays=1  then 'HalfDayComplete'
     when Count(*)<> 4 and fullorhalfdays=0 then 'FullDayIncomplete' 
     when COUNT(*)<> 2  and fullorhalfdays=1 then 'HalfDayIncomplete'
     end as Data
from @temp 
where fullorhalfdays is not null 

group by propvisitmainid,fullorhalfdays,total

Pls help .. its very urgent ..

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