i am a web designer. i have been asked to create a web app for use on a company intranet. the problem is i have a treeview on my page which allows the user to pick records they wish to view. all the records have sub records and sub-sub-records etc. the company has so much info that the first level is equating to 3600 nodes already. this totals at a massive 2.6mb file size including the page info. As i understand everytime i post back etc the browser has to re-draw the page. i am not doin anything stupid like recalculating the tree on postback etc but there is a huge amount of lag while i wait for the information to be rendered. Now would using a frameset with two frames left/right be of use.
i.e. left = the tree
right = records data
as i understand this would mean that the tree isnt refreshed just my right frame can someone clarify that this is the method i am looking to implenment to increase performance ?