Thanx JeniF..
your solution still work til this day..

i am facing "header already sent" error message problem. when i search this out form these posts i have solved my problem.

Hi there
We are having a similar situation. One of the administrators of our website tried to add an affiliate widget from Amazon. Not sure where they put it but it is in the header and is the only thing available on the log in screen - I cannot log in to see the code or where it was added.

This is the error message:Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/persue2/public_html/wp-content/plugins/amazon-auto-links/inc/amazonautolinks_initial_load.php:2) in /home/persue2/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 881

When I try to log in: I can only see the above messagea nd teh widget image. How can I bypass this to log in and change or remove the code?

thank you

Thanks so much Jenif I tried your solution and it worked greatly ....thanks so much :)

as i put the following code at the top

<?php ob_start(); ?>

and the following code at the end of the file

<?php ob_flush(); ?>

thank you very much

Thank You Very Much

thanks for ob_start() and ob_flush() help

i have same problem
my code is.....please suggest???

thanx in advance....
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/15/9936915/html/jagruktimes-coin/show-category.php:1) in /home/content/15/9936915/html/jagruktimes-coin/show-category.php on line 21

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/15/9936915/html/jagruktimes-coin/show-category.php:1) in /home/content/15/9936915/html/jagruktimes-coin/show-category.php on line 22


<?php ob_start();
$lowerlimit =0;
$upperlimit =20;
if ($p >1)
    $lowerlimit = $p*20-20;
    $upperlimit = $p*20;
    $cat_url = getParam("id","");
        if($check_backslashes != '/')
            header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");

    $cnt = count($loc_url);
    $c = ($cnt - 2);  
    if (preg_match('/^(\d+)$/',$loc_url[$cnt-2]))
         $page = $loc_url[$cnt-2];

         $c = ($cnt - 3);  

    if($loc_url[1] && $loc_php[1]!="php")
        $id = change_cPath($loc_url[$c]);

$checkid = $id;

if ($id < 1)
    $sql=q("SELECT cat_id,`cat_name`,`cat_total`,`cat_image`,  cat_fatherid, cat_description, cat_meta_title, left(cat_meta_description,250) meta_desc, left(cat_meta_keywords,250) meta_keyword FROM `cone_category`  where cat_id= $id");
     $cat = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
    $catname_only = $cat[cat_name];
    $cat_father_id = $cat[cat_fatherid];
    $count = $cat[cat_total];
    $meta_title= $cat[cat_meta_title];
    $meta_desc= $cat[meta_desc];
    $meta_keyword= $cat[meta_keyword];
    $ct_desc= $cat[cat_description];
$paging = $pagination[url_bar];
$limit  = $pagination[sql_limit];
$bc = breadcrum($id,'');

$sql1=q("select cat_id, leaf_catid from cone_category where cat_id = $id");
    $cat1 = mysql_fetch_array($sql1);
    $c = $cat1[cat_id];
    $checkcat = 1;

$checkurl = mysql_fetch_array(q("SELECT cat_fatherid FROM cone_category where cat_id=$checkid"));

if ($checkurl[cat_fatherid] != 0)
$checkurlg = mysql_fetch_array(q("SELECT cat_fatherid FROM cone_category where cat_id=$checkurl[cat_fatherid]"));

$checkurl1 = $checkurlg[cat_fatherid];
if($checkurl1 == 0)
$checkurl1 = $checkurl[cat_fatherid];
    $checkurl1 = $checkid;

    $checkcat = 2;
    $c = $cat1[cat_id].','.$cat1[leaf_catid];

$checkurl = mysql_fetch_array(q("SELECT cat_fatherid FROM cone_category where cat_id=$checkid"));
$checkurl1 = $checkurl[cat_fatherid];
if($checkurl1 == 0)
$checkurl1 = $checkid;


if($checkcat == 1)
    //echo $checkcat;
    $sql=q("SELECT ad_id,ad_date_updated,ad_url,ad_city,ad_date,ad_cat_id,ad_user_mobile, ad_user_name, ad_title,left(ad_description,600) ad_desc,ad_has_picture FROM cone_ad where ad_show_flag=1 and ad_cat_id IN ($c) ORDER BY ad_date_updated DESC $limit");
        while ($ad = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
             $date = date("l dS \of F Y  H:i:s",$ad['ad_date']);
                  //$cityn = mysql_fetch_array(q("SELECT city_description FROM  cone_city where city_id=$ad[ad_city]"));
               //$citname = mysql_fetch_array(q("SELECT cat_name FROM  cone_category where cat_id=$ad[ad_cat_id]"));
$ad_cont_name = '<p class="cb_name">'.$ad[ad_user_name].'</p>';
$ad_mobile_no = '<p class="cb_no">'.$ad[ad_user_mobile].'</p>';
            $desc = strip_tags($ad[ad_desc]);

if(strlen($desc) > 500) {
      $desc = preg_replace("/^(.{1,570})(\s.*|$)/s", '\\1...', $desc);
//$desc  =  Unaccent($desc);
            $pic = mysql_fetch_array(q("SELECT id,filename FROM cone_picture where pic_ad_id=$ad[ad_id]  and main=1"));
            $ads .= '<div onmouseover="\'#F5FBFE\'" onmouseout="\'#FFF\'" class="listingpad"><p class="imagebrd" align="center" style="border:1px solid #dedede;background:#FFF"><a href="/'.$ad[ad_url].'.html"><img src="/images/s-'.$pic[filename].'" border="0" alt="'.$ad[ad_title].'" ></a></p><div class="f2 ad_cnt"><div style="text-align:left;padding-bottom:4px;line-height:24px;font-size:20px"><a href="/'.$ad[ad_url].'.html">'.$ad[ad_title].'</a><br><span class="ndate">'.date('D j M Y H:i:s',$ad[ad_date_updated]).'</span></div><div style="line-height:21px">'.$desc.'</div></div><p class="seprate1"><br></p></div><div class="cb"></div>';
            $ads .= '<div onmouseover="\'#F5FBFE\'" onmouseout="\'#FFF\'" class="listingpad"><div class="f2 ad_cnt" style="width:650px"><div style="text-align:left;padding-bottom:4px;line-height:24px;font-size:20px"><a href="/'.$ad[ad_url].'.html">'.$ad[ad_title].'</a><br><span class="ndate">'.date('D j M Y H:i:s',$ad[ad_date_updated]).'</span></div><div style="line-height:21px">'.$desc.'</div></div><p class="seprate1"><br></p></div><div class="cb"></div>';
        $ads.="<br><br><br><div align=\"center\" class=\"m4 m1 c3 li bd4\"><b class=\"c1\"  style=\"color:#ff0000\">No News Found in this Category</b><br><br><br><br></div> ";


    $sql12=q("SELECT cat_id,leaf_catid,cat_name, `cat_full_name`, cat_name_for_url,cat_name_show_url, cat_name_show_url FROM `cone_category` WHERE `cat_fatherid` = $id order by PREORITY");
    while ($adnw = mysql_fetch_array($sql12))
                if ($z % 2 == 1)
                        $cbs = '';

                        $cbs = '<div class="cb"></div><br>';
                    $ctgorywidnews .= '<div class="fl w310" ><div class="w100ps"><h3 class="fs120n mb5"><a href="/'.$adnw[cat_name_show_url].'/">'.$adnw[cat_name].'</a></h3>';

        $sqltt=q("SELECT ad_id,ad_url,ad_date_updated,ad_city,ad_date,ad_cat_id,ad_user_mobile, ad_user_name, ad_title,left(ad_description,350) ad_desc,ad_has_picture FROM cone_ad where ad_show_flag=1 and ad_cat_id IN ($adnw[leaf_catid])  ORDER BY ad_date_updated desc limit 3");

                $adcnt = 0;
                while ($sqlttr = mysql_fetch_array($sqltt))

                        $descp = strip_tags($sqlttr[ad_desc]);
                        if(strlen($descp) > 300) 
                        $descp = preg_replace("/^(.{1,200})(\s.*|$)/s", '\\1...', $descp);
                        //$descp  =  Unaccent($descp);

            $pic1 = mysql_fetch_array(q("SELECT id,filename FROM cone_picture where pic_ad_id=$sqlttr[ad_id]  and main=1"));
            $image = '<img src="/images/s-'.$pic1[filename].'" alt="'.$sqlttr[ad_title].'" class="mr10" align="left" width="110" height="85" style="border:1px solid #f4f4f4">';
            $image = '';    

                if ($k == 1)
    $ctgorywidnews .= '<div class="mb5"><div class="lh18" style="padding-top:4px;padding-bottom:4px"><a href="/'.$sqlttr[ad_url].'.html"><b>'.$sqlttr[ad_title].'</b></a></div> <a href="/'.$sqlttr[ad_url].'.html">'.$image.'</a> <span class="fs85 introTxt">'.$descp.'</span><br><span class="ndate">'.date('D j M Y H:i:s',$sqlttr[ad_date_updated]).'</span> </div> <div class="cb ">&nbsp;</div><div class="fs80 mt10"><ul class="dotUL" type="disc">';
    $ctgorywidnews .= '<li style="line-height:18px;margin-top:8px"><a href="/'.$sqlttr[ad_url].'.html">'.$sqlttr[ad_title].'</a></li>';


    $ctgorywidnews .= '</ul></div> <div class="tar"><a href="/'.$adnw[cat_name_show_url].'/" class="fs90">'.$adnw[cat_name].' की और ख़बरें <b class="lrgFnt">»</b></a></div></div></div>'.$cbs;

        $ctgorywidnews .= '</div></div>'.$cbs;


if ($p_val[3] !='')
$p_val = ' - Page '.$p_val[3];
    $p_val = '';
 ?><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<title><?php echo $meta_title?><?php echo $p_val?></title>
if ($p_val[3] =='')
echo "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"$meta_desc\">"; 
if ($meta_keyword)
echo "<meta name=\"keywords\" content =\"$meta_keyword\">"; 

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link href="/jagruk-times.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="/javascript/common.js" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/javascript/ajax_request.js" language="javascript" type="text/javascript"></script>
</head><body topmargin="0"><div id="wrapper"><div class="c3 pt1 headmin">
<div class="fl" style="width:310px"> <a href="/"><img width="310" border="0" height="85" class="none" alt="Jagruk Times" src="/images/jagruk_times_logo.gif"></a><br>
$timezone = "Asia/Calcutta";
if(function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) date_default_timezone_set($timezone);
echo '<div style="font-family:arial;font-size:11px;color:#9b9b9b;position:absolute;margin-top:-5px;padding-left:20px">'.date('D j M Y H:i:s').'</div>';?> 
<div class="cb">&nbsp;</div>
<div class="fr tar fs70 cr1 ttad" >
<div style="font-size:70%; text-align:right; color:#CCCCCC;">विज्ञापन</div>
<?php echo $banner_top?>
<div class="cb" style="height:15px;">&nbsp;</div>
<div class="cb" ></div>
<div class="vSprt nMidc">
<div class="vSprt nLftc">
<div class="vSprt nRgtc">
<div id="header_color" style="padding-left:13px;">
<ul id="mNav">
$c_states = '';
$c_national = '';
$c_international = '';
$c_business = '';
$c_games = '';
$c_entertainment = '';
$c_lifestyle = '';
$c_sahitya = '';
$c_religion = '';
$c_adhiyatm = '';
$c_jokes = '';

if($checkurl1 == 201){$c_states = 'open';}
if($checkurl1 == 195){$c_national = 'open';}
if($checkurl1 == 242){$c_international = 'open';}
if($checkurl1 == 246){$c_business = 'open';}
if($checkurl1 == 256){$c_games = 'open';}
if($checkurl1 == 225){$c_entertainment = 'open';}
if($checkurl1 == 232){$c_lifestyle = 'open';}
if($checkurl1 == 268){$c_sahitya = 'open';}
if($checkurl1 == 274){$c_religion = 'open';}
if($checkurl1 == 282){$c_adhiyatm = 'open';}
if($checkurl1 == 305){$c_jokes = 'open';}

<li><a href="/" style="cursor:hand;"><span>होम पेज</span></a></li>
<li class="<?php echo $c_states ?>"><a href="/states/" style="cursor:hand;"><span>राज्य</span></a></li>
<li class="<?php echo $c_national ?>"><a href="/national/" style="cursor:hand;"><span>देश</span></a></li>
<li class="<?php echo $c_international ?>"><a href="/international/" style="cursor:hand;"><span>विदेश</span></a></li>
<li class="<?php echo $c_business ?>"><a href="/business/" style="cursor:hand;"><span>व्यापार</span></a></li>
<li class="<?php echo $c_games ?>"><a href="/games/" style="cursor:hand;"><span>खेल</span></a></li>
<li class="<?php echo $c_entertainment ?>"><a href="/entertainment/" style="cursor:hand;"><span>मनोरंजन</span></a></li>
<li class="<?php echo $c_lifestyle ?>"><a href="/lifestyle/" style="cursor:hand;"><span>लाइफस्टाइल</span></a></li>
<li class="<?php echo $c_sahitya ?>"><a href="/sahitya/" style="cursor:hand;"><span>साहित्य</span></a></li>
<li class="<?php echo $c_religion ?>"><a href="/religion/" style="cursor:hand;"><span>धर्म मंच</span></a></li>
<li class="<?php echo $c_adhiyatm ?>"><a href="/adhiyatm/" style="cursor:hand;"><span>अध्यात्म</span></a></li>
<li style="position:relative; left:0px; top:0px;" class="<?php echo $c_jokes ?>"><a href="/jokes/" style="background:none;"><span>चुटकुलें</span></a></li>

  <div class="cb" ></div>

  <!--Header Section Ends-->

<div class="left_part" >
<p class="times_breadcromb"><?php echo $bc; ?></p>
<h1 class="times_heading"><?php echo $catname; ?></h1>

<div class="cb"></div>


if ($checkcat == 1)
echo $ads;
echo $ctgorywidnews;

$p_val = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$p_val = explode("/", $p_val);
if ($checkcat == 1)
echo '<div style="padding-top:10px;text-align:right;font-size:14px;padding-bottom:12px"><b>'.$paging.'</b></div>'; 

<p class="cr" style="clear:both"></p>

I know this is an old thread but still healping out..

Thank you

Thank you very much JeniF, the obstart() and obflush() solved my problem...

Thanks JeniF It really works

Thanks guys it worked :)

all of these tricks are not working

Thanks, JeniF.

This tip is still helping people.

i had a similar error and all i did was:

In the file system/startup.php, change the following line



error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

This corrected the error

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