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NF-M2S :: Bios Beep Horror
Hardware and Software
16 Years Ago
by Roiie 530x2
Hi, I have a NF-M2S motherboard for about half an year now, it has worked well, met most of my expectations and exceeded some. However recently there was a problem which i am unable to diagnose. About two days ago I was playing a game (which i had played several times before) and a small plastic breaking noise was heard followed by the …
Re: NF-M2S :: Bios Beep Horror
Hardware and Software
16 Years Ago
by Roiie 530x2
Ermh... that is an Abit NF-M2S Motherboard , sorry for not mentioning it before.
Laserjet M1212 nf MFP Issue
Hardware and Software
12 Years Ago
by khushhappy
Dear, Printer Laserjet M1212 nf MFP is connected Directly with WIndows 7 OS . On the network , i want to connect from a Windows Xp client but cannot Connect through it. Any solution for it?
Re: NF-M2S :: Bios Beep Horror
Hardware and Software
16 Years Ago
by caperjack
short continuous beeps started emitting from the speaker??? Usually indicates bad ram or video device ,possible that you psu fried either one or both items . bios beeps are code ,like one long and 3 short, or one long repeated, or one short repeated ,depending on the bios maker .check here , [url][/…
Re: NF-M2S :: Bios Beep Horror
Hardware and Software
16 Years Ago
by Roiie 530x2
[QUOTE=caperjack;595871]Usually indicates bad ram or video device ,possible that you psu fried either one or both items .[/QUOTE] Yes, after some inspection for burned or scorched spots and damaged capacitos i have deemed the motherboard OK ... (but then again I am no expert) the only thing is that for some reason my main Memoy slot is …
Re: Laserjet M1212 nf MFP Issue
Hardware and Software
12 Years Ago
by JorgeM
If the printer is connected to a Win 7 computer and you want to print to it from an XP computer, you need to share the printer and make sure that you have created the proper rules in the Win 7 firewall to allow the traffic.
Can't Fix Error in my Program
Software Development
12 Years Ago
by softwaretime
Well this is quite a large program so there is a lot of information to sort through, but when I compile it now it comes up with this: /Users/Adam/Adam's Work/Programming/C++/Code/OS2.cpp: In member function ‘virtual int …
Variable inside of a while loop
Software Development
16 Years Ago
by olgratefuldead
I'm having some trouble with my code. I want to calculate the final balances of some movie tickets based on their day or night showing (and depending on if they are children or adults). So at the end of the code, I've been trying to get the solution to a variable that I had in the second while loop. It seems like I have to have the variables !time.…
Re: Variable inside of a while loop
Software Development
16 Years Ago
by peter_budo
I just made some small changes to your code: [LIST] [*]initialized variables [*]moved calculation block out of while loop [/LIST] [code] import java.util.Scanner; // Needed for the Scanner class import java.text.NumberFormat; // Needed for number format class public class Movie { // Create a Scanner object to read input. …
Re: Variable inside of a while loop
Software Development
16 Years Ago
by olgratefuldead
Thanks...that helped a lot. I just have one more question...well actually 2. I'm trying to make the number of tickets positive such that negative numbers will spit out an error and the customer will have to re enter a positive number of tickets. When I compile the goes as far as asking for the appropriate number of tickets but then …
Re: Variable inside of a while loop
Software Development
16 Years Ago
by olgratefuldead
Actually scratch that last post...I got it to work. Now the final thing I would appreciate help with is how to limit the total number of tickets to 100. Here is my code [ICODE] import java.util.Scanner; // Needed for the Scanner class import java.text.NumberFormat; // Needed for number format class public class Movie { // Create…
number limit
Software Development
16 Years Ago
by olgratefuldead
I need to figure out how to set my overall ticket limit (aticket + cticket) to 100 and if a customer goes over the limit, then they are told that they have ordered too many tickets and that they need to try again and then it loops back through until they order less than a total of 100 tickets. Can someone please help? [ICODE] import java.util.…
[Help] unkown .lev file decrypted
Game Development
16 Years Ago
by duo8668
Hi all, Sorry to interrupting, I am very interested with the game development and I found 1 of my game file and i decrypt it because the original file doesnt show. Can anyone help me to explain about it or any tools that can let me understand it ? Thank you very much. [CODE] . t …
So very lost =( trying to get a total
Software Development
16 Years Ago
by silentone190
Hello. I am new at this and I'm having trouble getting a total from multiple data. What i need is a total for a final summary. How do i calculate this? i have searched and read many text on this subject, but have had no luck... some how i get the feeling i have over looked some thing. this is an assignment, but it was due earlier today, so any …
Need Help with Inventory Program Part 5
Software Development
15 Years Ago
by TexITTech
I need some assistance with three things in my code. My problems are: Next and Previous buttons do not loop through the array, instead they throw exception errors when they get to the end of the array. Second my image that is required does not show up, my instructor said that I needed to resize the logo, which I have and have also added another .…
How can i refresh the folder by Java or JavaScript
Software Development
13 Years Ago
by jeraldmuthu
In this class for each case i'm generating XML (XML creation code is in last) in Xhtml i added javascript [CODE] <tr> <td align='center'> <div id="chart1Div"> This text is replaced by chart. </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var chart1 …
How to convert javascript output of the image to swf format
Software Development
13 Years Ago
by jeraldmuthu
This is the code generating xml to feed into Javascript How to convert javascript output of the image to swf format using JAVA.. [CODE] package; //Contributor: i18n : Pedro Casals Fradera (2006/06/22) import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Paint; import; import…
Re: Can't Fix Error in my Program
Software Development
12 Years Ago
by Schol-R-LEA
OK, now that the necessary roughness is out of the way, we can actually begin helping you. I do have to admit that this is terrible code, and most likely cannot be remediated; but it would be remiss of me not to point out *why* it is bad, or else the OP won't learn from the experience. Aside from the formatting issues, the main problem is …
Software Development
8 Years Ago
by Lucas_9
Please help me , I need to convert this C code in Python: #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> main() { system ("color F9"); float preco[150], precoNF, NFPreco_Produto[150]; //Vetores e variáveis que trabalham com preço int a=0, x…
Mortgage Program help
Software Development
20 Years Ago
by wmivey
I am trying to get more control on user input. I have written a couple of Exceptions to handle two different user inputs, but I want to program to retry it if it is invalid and allow the program to continue. I have tried using a labeled break and it did not work out right. I will post the source code below and made the sections in question in bold.…
Re: Python doing exact match on string
Software Development
15 Years Ago
by woooee
Rather tedious, but one more way. [CODE]nf_str = 'nf+nfpermult+nf+nf' ctr = 0 index = -1 go_on = True while go_on: print nf_str before = False after = False index = nf_str.find('nf', index+1) if index > -1: ## check character before if (index == 0) or (not nf_str[index-1].isalpha()): before = …
How to detect duplicate fileds in a file
Software Development
14 Years Ago
by bojomojo
Hello, I have a file with each line consisting of certain fields. Lets say I want to detect which lines have the second field equal.. For example here is the file: [CODE]XM2 N$2 N$2 GROUND GROUND nch_mac1 l=50n w=150n multi=1 nf=1 sd=140n XM1 N$12 N$2 GROUND GROUND nch_mac2 l=50n w=150n multi=1 nf=1 sd=140n XM3 N$2 N$2 GROUND GROUND nch_mac3…
a simple puzzle to be solved
Software Development
14 Years Ago
by onus
Hi, here is a simple puzzle to which I have made a program, A C program to take bondectory name as command line argument and print last 3 directories and 3 my_files in all subdirectories without using api 'system' inside it. suppose directory bond0 contains bond1, di2, bond3, bond4, bond5 and my_file1, my_file2, my_file3, my_file4, my_file5, …
Re: Nested loop -only one item is printing
Software Development
13 Years Ago
by lynnajoe
Hi, Here is the printer class. This method should take in an array of type Monitor, Server or Printer and return this array sorted by the name of the product.Here is the method given as an example. public static Printer[] sortArray (Printer myPrinters[]){}. Then create an array of Printers; `Printer myPrinters[] = new Printer[5];`). Use the…
high score table
Software Development
14 Years Ago
by mewa_ashika
[CODE]Dim scoreArray() As String Dim nameArray() As String Dim NewScore As String 'loads the table Private Sub Form_Load() Dim nf As Integer Dim nFile As String Dim sf As Integer Dim sFile As String Dim scoreFile As String Dim nameWholeFile As String Dim scoreWholeFile As String Dim count As Integer nf = FreeFile nFile = "e…
recursion to loops
Software Development
13 Years Ago
by ineedsomehelp:3
Ok, I have a program that gets the factors of a LCD of a number (recursion). I need help converting it to loop statement :( . Any help will be appreciated. and please add an explanation I would really appreciate it. [CODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void whatIs (int nNum) { int nF = 2; while (nNum % nF != 0) nF++; if…
Help with MySQL TrueSkill calculator
Software Development
13 Years Ago
by t1suka
Hello, I've been trying to code a TrueSkill calculator using Java that fetches scores and updates them in a MySQL database. I finished coding it however it appears to have a problem while executing. This is an example of what I want the output to be like: [QUOTE]connecting to database server connected beginning transaction creating tables …
i want to know what the following function is doing?
Software Development
16 Years Ago
by rockiecool129
hi, Please tell me what the below mentined code is doing? If i pass String s as `my name is "xyz. and " i am writing `. what should be the output. Thanks in advance void parse(Block<String>& f, String s) { int inquote = 0; int nf = 0; int start = -1; for(int i = 0; i…
Re: i want to know what the following function is doing?
Software Development
16 Years Ago
by VernonDozier
> hi, > > Please tell me what the below mentined code is doing? If i pass String s as my name is "xyz. and " i am writing. what should be the output. > > Thanks in advance void parse(Block<String>& f, String s) { int inquote = 0; int nf = 0; int start = -1;…
Re: i want to know what the following function is doing?
Software Development
16 Years Ago
by tesuji
> hi, > > Please tell me what the below mentined code is doing? If i pass String s as my name is "xyz. and " i am writing. what should be the output. > > Thanks in advance void parse(Block<String>& f, String s) { int inquote = 0; int nf = 0; int start = -1;…
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