15,551 Topics
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Hello, I have a problem of with game of life source code in C. I need a source code for game of life in C programming language Kindly send me a source code so that i can check my own source code. | |
Hello, I'm checkng whether a file has been modified or not in order to refresh the content... However, i need a couple improvements : - How do I test the return value of stat to tell if it failed ? - The returned errno numbers may change between glibc versions, … | |
Hi, I have this function to tokenize an input string: int tokenize(char input[], char* tokens[], char delimiter[]) {...} There are invocations of the function with different size of array. For instance, [CODE]char tokens[2][100]; tokenize(input, tokens, " "); char tokens1[3][10]; tokenize(tokens[0], tokens1, ":"); [/CODE]as you can see the token holder array … | |
[CODE]int main() { printf("Enter 0 or 1 :"); scanf("%d",&i_choice); if ( i_choice ==0 ) for( ;i_count_1 < i_number;) {------- ------ } if (choice == 1) for( ;i <= i_number;) {------- ------ }[/CODE] Here I raed a user input ( 0 or 1) So as per i/p I've to change the … | |
I know that ++a is faster than a++ because a++ has to first store the previous value of a at some temporary location and then increment a and then return the saved value, whereas ++a simply increments a and returns the pointer to the incremented value. Since, both a++ and … | |
My question is: If i'm the customer, how can i edit the quantity shown on the overview so that i can afford to pay the totalprice(if i've ordered too much) and delete some on the overview if i want to delete it(really short on money). And if i'm the owner … | |
I am working on getting a string into this function but there are already to many arguments. [CODE] char interface[10]; if (!(in = popen("iwlist %s scan","r"))) /*Need interface string here */ { /*to be added */ } [/CODE] I tried to add ",interface" after "r" but it said to many … | |
Hello, i have a function that starts searching for all files that match the given file name and Recursively traverses itself into sub directories and does the same thing and when a file is found i should output its path starting from the first directory that was given to the … | |
How can one make a program repeat a set of lines of code.like for example [CODE]printf("enter the value of x:"); scanf("%d",&x); for(i=0;i<1;i++){ value+= arr[i]*(x,i); printf("\n The value of the polynommial is %ld",value); }[/CODE] How can you make it repeat so that it continues to read x and give out values | |
Hi, I am trying to implement some distributed algorithm (minimum spanning tree) where each node is represented by a process running in a different machine. Each edge represented by a client server communication channel. Suppose host0 is connected to host1, host2 and host5. I create 1 server sockets in each … | |
please answer me.show why my code does not loop and it repeats question number 1. [CODE] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> /*prints the ASCII art for "FAIL"*/ void ascii_fail(void) { printf(" /%c__%c /%c %c\n", 92,92,92,92); printf(" /:/ _/_ /::%c %c ___ \n", 92,92); printf(" /:/ /%c__%c /:/%c:%c %c /%c__%c\n", … | |
3. A taxi charges an amount of 25.00 pesos for the first 300 meters and a fix rate of 15.00 pesos for every 200 meters thereafter. Any distance covering the next 200 meters zone (or less) is still charged 15.00. Create a program that would input the DISTANCE in kilometers … | |
when i am writing c program in turboC i encounter error as "unable to create exe file". how to trouble shoot this and why i got this error. | |
Hi This my first c programme.It asks 5 objective questions and displays the result at the end. [B]But when i compile it and run, it asks only for variables A,C and E .It doesn't ask for the inputs to question no. 2 and 4.It only displays these questions and skip … | |
I am trying to search a file (I have searched the forums and have found some treads but they do not really help me to do what I want) directly using fseek and strcmp but its buggy and gives off by one errors and such. The reason I did not … | |
Hi, Is there a way to set stderr such that it does not print on screen rather on file. I have spawned a couple of threads and they are dumping all the error messages on the screen like a maniac and giving me a headache. Some help would be highly … | |
Hello. Could anyone tell me how to convert [B]roman[/B] numbers to [B]decimal[/B] numbers. Can anyone provide some example for it? Thanks a lot. regist1 | |
Greetings. I need help making a dynamic array with 3 columns, the problem is that i don't know at run-time how many rows there must be allocated. So i need to allocate one row every time. I have this as code: [CODE] gchar ***servers_array = NULL; servers_array = realloc(servers_array, (detected_netstat_servers … | |
i am writting a program for finding the no of keyword ( occurances ) and operators occurances. i am taking the all the keywords in an array and all the operators in seperate arrays for each category of operators. char *kw[] = {"auto","break"..."while" }; char *Arth_op[] = { "%","*","+","-","/"}; according … | |
Hi, i have a doubt regarding conditional macros and undef directive. can i use undef for a function like - macro, by just specifying the name of the macro with out specifying the argument list as written in line 8. is the code correct with out these statements: [ICODE] #define … | |
Please help with the following code,,, It is compiling though but During run its stating that [B]"Your code has stopped its execution with a non-zero (failure) exit value.This is generally due to run time Exceptions like Memory Access Violation and Floating Point Exception. Please check your code for run time … | |
hi,.im a first year student taking information technology, never mind where i am studying.,,,i just want to ask some tips to understand easily turbo c.,. | |
Hi all... First post here, be gentle. I'm trying to get this to work, and there's no output. This is from the K&R book [v2] exercise 1-14, the prompt is in the header. I added comments for readability, and please comment on anything you believe needs improvement. Thank you for … | |
hello everyone .. im writting a C program that requires to insert integers from a text file .. the contents of the text file are: 1:2:4 4:12:5 13:7:5 1:20:4 how can i read each number and define it as an integer ???? please HELP !! [CODE] #include <stdio.h> int main() … | |
I have one or more functions separate from main() , that besides the return value , must also return the time it tooked to process. How can I do that ? | |
BIQ-005-Accelerator You’ve been given an assorted set of gears. Each gear has a different number of teeth – the notches on a gear that interlock with notches on another gear to transmit speed. You have a couple of belts one coupled to an input and the other for the output. … | |
is it possible in c program to run two processes at the same time.For example i want to run a timer along with my application .The timer must be shown on the screen.Thanks in advance | |
Hello, When i run my program it shows just segmentation fault. As my knowledge, segmentation fault can occur for pointer and memory related fault. But i could not find out my mistake. Please see some part of code(maybe, that is related to segmentation fault): [CODE] char *state_in; //state_in = malloc(1024); … | |
Hello: My problem is: "The game of Life takes place on a 2d array of cells, each of which may contain an organism. Let occ(i) be the no. of cells adjacent to cell i that are occupied by an organism is obtained from the previous generation appling the following rules: … | |
hi! i'm new here in daniweb.so pardon me for disturbing you all.lol i would like to present you a little problem. i want to design a program that will generate wnted number of arithmetic statements and it would be answered by the one who will use it. and at the … |
The End.