15,555 Topics

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Member Avatar for Mattpd

If I run the program, and select q, it will quit correctly. If I select e it goes to the edit menu [B]but prints it twice[/B]. If I then select q it goes to the main menu [B]and prints the default case, "please select from menu", then prints the main …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for thebluestar

Here is the problem:write in saparate function without using global variable 1/(function input)enter N in the range [0,20], then enter N numbers 2/(function display)Display N numbers in 2 columns Here is my source code [CODE=C] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void Input(int *p,int n) { int i; do { printf("Enter N numbers u …

Member Avatar for death_oclock
Member Avatar for cokacola

The purpose of the program is to take a position and count how many "pixels" are in the "blob". If there is no "pixel" aka the value is 0, the blob number is 0. If there is a pixel, the blob_check function recursively checks the surrounding cells for "pixels" aka …

Member Avatar for death_oclock
Member Avatar for Mattpd

In the title I was going to write (not C script) but they are essentially the same I think. My bad, anyway... I recently wrote a some SH scripts to manage lines of text in a separate txt file. Now my new assignment is to convert the whole thing to …

Member Avatar for Tamaki

At least for me it is:) This is an assignment problem and I can really use some help! [B][U]INTRO TO PROBLEM:[/U][/B] So the problem is a basic logic problem, where I'm sure you're all familiar with... From my assignment page, the problem [CODE]Imagine that you have 2 jugs, a small …

Member Avatar for Tamaki
Member Avatar for sahasra

Hi, I am new to this site. Can you please help me with this. I have written a C program and i m getting the following errors 1) " 'puts' was not declared in scope " the same error for 'gets' and 'itoa' command...i have included stdio.h,string.h,stdlib.h,math.h as the header …

Member Avatar for kenji
Member Avatar for beatenbob

Hi all. Just a simple question but I SERIOUSLY need some help from you guys for my programming assignment. The assignment given was water jug problem. Now my question is, does C allow for the creation of dynamic array during a recursion? Suppose I have another function, which returns a …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for xavier666

[B]This is just a linked list program for those who need help understanding the fundamentals. Put comments if you find some bugs. The program is about maintaining a student database (their roll number and their age) I've used Turbo C++ 4.5 as the compiler[/B] :icon_cool:

Member Avatar for xavier666
Member Avatar for dena

hi please can any one help me in my shell project like this : Develop a c program which serve as s shell interface that accepts user command and then executes each command in separate process. The shell interface provides a command prompt ( sh> ) after which next command …

Member Avatar for dena
Member Avatar for agentmusic

Hello Im trying to compile the following code but I get the error "left operand has incompatible type" because of the line: test2_2_U->Out2= test2_2_U->Out3; I have been looking through the forum but I couldnt find a hint what Im doing wrong. Any hint is appreciated. Thanks Thomas [code=c] static BlockIO_test2_2 …

Member Avatar for agentmusic
Member Avatar for lathachowdary
Member Avatar for lisedaton

hi all!!, can somebody help me?? I need to do a program that scan a decimal, transform it to binary and check if it is palindrome or not and print "palidrome" or "not palindrome".... i can only use functions and cant use arrays or anything else! can somebody help me??? …

Member Avatar for flipjoebanana
Member Avatar for Ineedhelpplz

So everything in my program works except for the main itself. The program is supposed to take in a file provided through standard input and print out the descending order of words followed by the frequency that they occur. I can do this individually line for line but am having …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for flipjoebanana

Hello, If I want to say compare a line at a given line number to another line at a different given line number how can I do this? I know I could iterate through the file and store the lines into a data structure and perform comparisons that way but …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for kolosick.m188

I am having a slight problem implementing this code. What I need to do is take a list of 16 unsigned characters and permute the bits according to IPTable. 0 in IPTable refers to bit 0, 1 refers to bit 1, etc. Here is my code which isn't working. [code=c] …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for bufospro

Hi, I want to make a program that reads a string. But I would like to read only characters, neither numbers nor special characters(@,#$%^&*()!). Also, no spaces between characters. [CODE] #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> char *enter_a_string(int maxcharacters) { char *ptr; int len; printf("Enter string : "); char array[50]; do{ scanf("%s",array); …

Member Avatar for bufospro
Member Avatar for jk2005.jeeva

Hi Anyonem, could you please explain clearly about the order of evaluation of increment, decrement operators in an expression in C? Thanks in advance..

Member Avatar for kommuru
Member Avatar for siggivara

I'm trying to create a simple server that starts a new thread for each new client that connects. I know I can use fork(), but I've heard that threads are more efficient. Also I have some global queues, so if I used fork(), each process would get their own version …

Member Avatar for flipjoebanana
Member Avatar for eskaflowne

now I have never posted before so I hope this is in the right spot/format.. this problem is driving me insane. I need prove the Goldbach conjecture that is, "every even integer n > 2 is equal to the sum of 2 prime numbers." Then with a starting point and …

Member Avatar for flipjoebanana
Member Avatar for jmangu

Hello, I'm trying to compile a program related with serial communication via RS232. I've found this program at microsoft page [url]http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B39501&x=9&y=11#top[/url]. When I try to compile this same program in Dev C++ editor the following message appears: bios.h: No such file or directory. Please, help me about what can I …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Hanyack

im new at C, actually just started programming in general, and im having a good amount of problems with this program. [code=c] #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { char vehicle; char car; char truck; int hrsn, minn; int hrso, mino; int time; int rt; int amo; printf("What time did you park(military …

Member Avatar for uskok
Member Avatar for ubi_ct83

Hi experts, i have this line of string: a1,b2,c3,a2,b1,c2,a3,b2,c4, from this line,i want to load into a string array like this: array[0]=a1,b2,c3, array[1]=a2,b1,c2, array[3]=a3,b2,c4, seriously i have no idea at all.ive done sumthing but looks like rubbish.i really hope dat u experts can help me. thanks for advance [CODE] void …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for arsh_arsh

i have a problem in which i have to remove char from strings by sending one string and char ata time to a function. in the below code it works fine for first string but for each successive string initial characters are not passed ..like for second call first chatcter …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for aman rathi

helllo last day i did program related to recursion that is factorial of numbers i red lot of books in my library but i found only this program only in every book. i also thought lot on recursion but i did not find any more program please can anybody tell …

Member Avatar for Cmad
Member Avatar for george_82

Hi all, How to do socket programming in C.I need to control an external device through TCP/IP or UDP/IP so that when I send a query the device should be capable to respond.

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for george_82

//The below mentioned code is not working on my C compiler.The //errors im getting is :(1)Extra parameter in call to_ inport b_. //(2)Too few parameters in call to "outport".(line 25) //(3)Not an allowed type(line 25) [code=c] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> void main() { char data; int choice; clrscr(); printf("Enter the choice …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for julie_kaz

I need help understanding julian dates. I am trying to create a program using julian dates where user enters month & year and show the calendar of that month. I especially don't understand the "int toJulian()"... here is what I have so far: [CODE] #include <stdio.h> #define START 1900 //fixed …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for lacompsr

I'm looking for code to inject code into a webpage at the specified location. Can we do this using winsock hooks. Can somebody help me with this. I need this urgently:confused:

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Soileau

[CODE]#include <stdio.h> struct poly { int len; int arr[]; char *name; }; int main() { int i; struct poly p; p.len = 45; p.arr[3] = {1,1,1}; p.name = "Josh"; printf("%d",p.len); for(i = 0; p.arr[i] != NULL ; i++) printf("%d",p.arr[i]); printf("%s",p.name); return 0; } [/CODE] I tried to make a simple …

Member Avatar for Mathura
Member Avatar for userits

[CODE]include<stdio.h> void main() { int i=5; int c; c=i++ + ++i + i++ + --i; printf("\n%d",i++ + ++i + i++ + --i); printf("\n%d",c); }[/CODE] The o/p that I'm getting is 31 23 while my friend got 34 20. Also why are the 2 (printf ' c 'and printf 'expression') values …

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The End.