15,550 Topics

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Member Avatar for vegaseat

Use a Windows API call to add some color to your text output. A rewrite of an earlier C++ snippet for the C crowd.

Member Avatar for vegaseat

The continued fraction expansion gives us the answer to life's most persistent questions, like what is sin(x) or even tanh(x). This surprisingly short code allows you to estimate SIN, COS, TAN, EXP, SINH, COSH and TANH fairly accurately. Careful, this code is not for the usual TV crowd! You should …

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for Narue

This quicksort implements the basic recursive algorithm with three improvements. The first improvement is choosing the pivot based on the median of three values in the list to be sorted. This minimizes the chances of a worst case scenario. The second improvement speeds up the algorithm by termination when subfiles …

Member Avatar for Matt Labbé
Member Avatar for C#Coder

Adding this because it took literally an hour of searching before I found a code sample using fscanf that read more than just the first line of a file. This code assumes you're reading a file line by line that has the angle (int) followed by the Sine Value of …

Member Avatar for Mahen

Hi everyone, I've been working on this calculator for days, and now i am making it opensource so that everyone can bring his own contribution, please comment all your codes very well.

Member Avatar for hivework
Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for mister-fett

I just spent about an hour making this story builder to create book and short story outlines. It is written in C. If anyone has suggestions, please reply to this, PM or email me. Anyway, here is the code and .cpp, as well as the exe in a zip file. …

Member Avatar for Mostafaib

hi this is a program for simulation the scheduling in processes between RAM and CPU the program in c language and i hope that you will engoy it and i will be ready for more help

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Asif_NSU

It's a game where u shoot from a cannon and the cannon-ball moves like a projectile and hits a target. So u will see three major things in this program: 1. Rotating a cannon; 2. How to move an object like a projectile 3. A very simple collision detection Before …

Member Avatar for neelam_209
Member Avatar for selsium

Hi all, First of all Thanks for all your last responses , Here I have one problem in debugging the below code. It builds without any errors but it doesn't debugg or says some errors. I created a exe file and when I try to run the file it doesn't …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for magicor

Hi all, I'm new to C and I have an assignment to write our own linux ls command. When we type ls -R , it recursively list the target directory. Really have no clue how to do that . Appreciate your help in advance !!

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for babaphy

i am learning c language. can you tell me how to do digital image processing using c language

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for urbancalli

am I doing the right thing here? I am making a simple lexical analyzer and in the code below, I am trying to check if there is a valid "relational operator" in the input. The code's parameters: input stream, the position of the current pointer, the success (initialized to zero). …

Member Avatar for urbancalli
Member Avatar for D_switch

ei guys i really need help on how to give an output like this: -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 1 -1 -1 -1 0 1 1 -1 -1 0 1 1 1 -1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 …

Member Avatar for D_switch
Member Avatar for Gaiety

int a; printf("%d",sizeof a);// fine printf("%d",sizeof int);// giving parse error here can any one help me in this regard.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for uniquevictory

Instructions Zululand has a congress with in theory 97 seats. These are apportioned among the three states Alpha, Bravo and Charlie in proportion to their population. To be precise, each state receives its share rounded down to the nearest whole number, even if this means the total is less than …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for uniquevictory

Instructions Zululand has a congress with in theory 97 seats. These are apportioned among the three states Alpha, Bravo and Charlie in proportion to their population. To be precise, each state receives its share rounded down to the nearest whole number, even if this means the total is less than …

Member Avatar for sungjin
Member Avatar for vtsmokey88

The project involves the game scramble, where we have a 4x4 matrix of characters. The purpose of the program is to search through the matrix and find words in the matrix. I have a dictionary .txt file and can search that for a word correctly and can also print the …

Member Avatar for Protuberance
Member Avatar for ubi_ct83

Sorry for the messy tittle.i dont know what suit with my prob. i have posted a thread last time about string array and compare them with some data.seems like no solution for that,i want to try this way.i want to use double array. same case, i have a file with …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for zimis

Helo, If tcp connection with server is lost, should program close current socket with close(socket_fd) and then use connect(....) again, or use same socket to reconnect with connect(....)? Or when connection is lost current socket is destroyed automatically?

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for furqankhyraj

Hi, i want to make a program of power by using function any one help me example 2^2=4

Member Avatar for leegeorg07
Member Avatar for furqankhyraj

Hi i want to make program for 3 input integer and show output by a maximum value in it by using function so anybody help me reply me earlier

Member Avatar for Tom Gunn
Member Avatar for MaestroRage

sorry for the long title, but it pretty much sums it all up. I have a 2 test structures, and in one I have a 2d char array, which is essentially a 1d string list. However I can't seem to interact with it on the same level as I can …

Member Avatar for Tom Gunn
Member Avatar for willingj

I am continuing work on a program for analysis of an entered array, I have got min,max,median and sorting the array working with some input parameters. I cannot seem to get the mode to work, i have attempted some code to do this. Your help would be greatly appriciated, i …

Member Avatar for akulkarni
Member Avatar for prashanth s j

Hi all, please anybody help me in solving the following questions: 1)What is a NULL Macro? What is the difference between a NULL Pointer and a NULL Macro? 2)What is the difference between the functions rand(), random(), srand() and randomize()? Regards, Prashanth

Member Avatar for Tom Gunn
Member Avatar for Gaiety

can some one please discuss the types of binary trees? especially full binary trees , perfect binary trees and complete binary trees. all these definitions looks same. where actually these are used? thanks, Gaiety

Member Avatar for Tom Gunn
Member Avatar for chathu12

Hello Every one, I need to write a program to copy a part of a String from a specified place. Eg: if the first String looks like "This is a C program" I need to extract the part of "C program" How can I do this.Please help me. Can I …

Member Avatar for yellowSnow
Member Avatar for stromgren

Dear Community Members! I have written a program in plain C to carry out some mathematical calculations. Now I am trying to identify bottlenecks using a profiler (IDE: Open Watcom 1.8). I find that a very large portion (60-79%) of the running time is used by ntdll.dll. The core program …

Member Avatar for stromgren
Member Avatar for chathu12

Hello every one?I have a program use to copy the contents of an array to a File.But it does not work. when it runs Visual Studio starts to debug. But nothing happening.File contents does not change.Please help me tho solve this problem.Thank you very much. Here is the program. [CODE]#include<stdio.h> …

Member Avatar for chathu12
Member Avatar for dikx

to C guru. i dont understand why this code fail because of implicit declaration. undefined reference to `__finite' [code] #define isfinite(x) \ (sizeof (x) == sizeof (float) \ ? __finitef (x) \ : sizeof (x) == sizeof (double) \ ? __finite (x) : __finitel (x)) for (class_num = 0; class_num …

Member Avatar for Salem

The End.