15,554 Topics

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Member Avatar for rrich1103

Alright so.... i have logic errors in my game... and idk how to fix them... can i get some help?..... this is a project due for school... tonight midnight actually... and i'm afraid that if i post my code online that... they'll void my program for plagirism x_X'''... so.... ya …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for nelledawg

Hi guys, Okay so this time I need help with string input. I have the whole program (yet again) but I just need to figure out how to change letters of user input to redisplay them. The code is below and it asks the user to input the product description. …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for Syntax Error

hi there.....i wonder what's the difference with these 2 linked list... [code] 1. struct node { int wage; int hours_worked; int salary; int hoursW; char* name; struct node *link; }; [/code] [code] 2. struct listNode { char data; struct listNode *nextPtr; }; typedef struct listNode ListNode; /* synonym for struct …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for os.hacker64

How does gcc order bitfields on a little-endian machine? Is the first entry the most significant bit or what?

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for fiz hafiz

i've done all the coding, but it doesn't work, seem the if, cannot pass the information to the function.. [CODE]#include<stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include<ctype.h> #define FILENAME "ECE.txt" /*void proceed(struct registration com, int matric); void again(struct registration com,int);*/ struct registration { char code[10]; char subject[100]; int credit; }; int main() { int …

Member Avatar for Majestics
Member Avatar for wollacott

Write functions to: void clearscreen(void); /* Clears the screen for update, hint call system("clear") */ float calc(float num1,float num2,char operator); /* calculate the result of num1 operator num2 */ any other functions which you deem necessary. Write a main program which will display a title line centered at the top …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for mathmagic

Is it possible to add two hexadecimal numbers in C? If so, i would request someone to help wit the method or the logic asap. thank you :)

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for Crushyerbones

Hello again :) This time I'm back with a stranger question. The following program is meant to factorialize (spelling?) a number from the command line while printing out the number of calls it made to the function "factorial". [CODE=C] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> unsigned long long factorial(int num,int *count_ptr){ printf("Call …

Member Avatar for Crushyerbones
Member Avatar for purepecha

/* this program compiles is almost done, but i cannot get the las function to sort numbers from the array. the output should have the even number on the left and odd numbers on the right.*/ [code=c]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define N 9 void revArray(int *a); /* reverse an array …

Member Avatar for gallantmon1

I just want to ask if is smart or even possible to use a switch case statement in a program where the user will not be required to input anything, but instead the program gets the input from a *.txt file. This is a suggestion by my friend, I just …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for heidigjr

okay, so i'm totally new to this. the purpose of my assignment is to compare two strings and to see if they're anagrams my problem is that when i run it, it compiles okay, but then i'd get a message from windows, saying that it has stopped working. er, yeah. …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for 88omar

The question says Write a menu driven program that finds the minimum, maximum and sum of 3 numbers (integers). All the numbers entered should be unique. (i.e. no two numbers should be same .Check this condition) Please adhere to the following guidelines. a. Write a function that finds the smallest …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for sanjayk1241@yah

Hi, I am using Borland C Compiler for preprocessing a source file. I am using the following command for preprocessing.... C:\cpp32.exe -P- -o"outputfilename" "Sourcefilename" According to my requirement i should get source file comments into preprocessed file. The above command is not satisfying my requirement. I don't which options i …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for newport

I'm trying to make a program that will ask the user to which file they want to sort, sort it, then output the sorted text into a user specified file. the text file will contain names and the program should make lowercase and uppercase letter the same. [CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for spec80

Hi, I need to write a program that reads from an input file (input_equations.txt) the values of the numbers that will be inputed into a function to find the quadratic root of the 3 numbers. For example, the input file could contain: 1 0 1 1 3 -4 2 -4 …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for baliw53

can someone help me how to make this one: write a program using two-dimensional arrays that computes the sum of data in row and sum of data in column of the 3X3 array variable n[3][3]. sample output: 5 9 8 = 22 3 8 2 = 13 4 3 9 …

Member Avatar for baliw53
Member Avatar for barbiegirl

hi everyone :), i wanted to create a little program with makes the divisions of the elements of a table i wanted to create a loop which will indicate if there's a number in the table then we should c "the division cannot be made", if not we will get …

Member Avatar for barbiegirl
Member Avatar for hajjo

Hey guys below a program that I have as my homework.I am not askign for the code, but on how the calculatio is being done.I am asking about the mathematics part.I dont understand how it is being caluclated. someone told me i need this formulas. P = (rho * g …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for nishanthaMe

I just want to program a proxy server for one of my academic purposes.I would be very thankful if any one can let me know a place where a simple proxy server code written in c language or some resources about proxy architecture. Thanks

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for langzhen

Hey everyone, my group and I have this finals project that we'll have to defend. It involves ASCII characters for the table. We've managed to fix the table and everything but no matter what we do, our program won't compute. Here's the program: [code=c]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include …

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Member Avatar for bwjones
Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for ngozinyeusi

C:\John\mines.cpp(5) :fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'graphics.h': No such file or directory from this code [code=c] #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include <graphics.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<dos.h> #include<time.h> #include "events.h" #define YES -1 #define NO 0 #define MARK 1 #define DOUBT 2 int boxleft=225,minemarked=0,explode = NO,totalmine = 25; void minegenerate(int num,int x, int …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Floh85

Hey, I just started to learn how to program in Windows and have a problem with the very first program. It's from a C Book I have, so i guess the code is alright. Error: undefined reference to `_Z7WndProcP6HWND__jjl@16' I'm using the Eclipse C/C++ IDE; libraries (gdi32.lib) are linked, -mwindows …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for bwjones

My buddy runs this program fine in his C++ editor but when I run it in Cygwin after I enter 3 temperatures I get this: [B][U] 7 [main] a 26966 _cygtls::handle_exceptions : Error while dumping state (probably corrupted stack) Segmentation fault (core dumped)[/U][/B] Everything seems to be syntactically correct from …

Member Avatar for bwjones
Member Avatar for kishan4every1

Hi, i found this Function to convert any integer into its BINARY VALUE... I could not make it through.. Can someone Help me out.... I need a good explanation on how it works... Here is the code. [code=c] char *binString(int value) { static char bin[17]; int index; for(index=0;index<16;index++) { if(value …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for Gerritt

Another problem has occoured. How can I get the highlighted function to run? Whenever I run the program, the function is totally skipped. [code] void add() { int vala, valb, valc, bog=5, count; char alakazam; double log[0], vald, valf; clearer(); do { for(count = 0; count < 5; count++) { …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for dilip.mathews

Hi all, Can anybody help me with a an algorithm to find the maximum subset sum in an array. It would be better if the solution is of O(n). [example: {5,-2,10,-4} the maximum is 5 + (-2) + 10 => 13].

Member Avatar for omko
Member Avatar for rahul.b123

I have undergone a basic course in C Programming and I wish to enrich my programming skills by learning how to code for graphics in C and my main interest is to learn to write virus and so on. Could you please guide me what books should I need to …

Member Avatar for DangerDev
Member Avatar for heshangho

hey guys I have a question on this guessing game. I want to make this game to repeat. when the guess is correct, i wanted the user to input 'y' or 'n' and if yes it should repeat. How can i do that? Do I have to put the whole …

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Member Avatar for EvEyUm21

i dont know how to display the contents in my program.pls help me with this...i use 2 linked list here...1 for the bills and one for the names....i cant display the names of the employees.......if i dont pass this on friday,i will fail =(........pls check my code and encode ur …

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The End.