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Member Avatar for darknight09

[QUOTE]This program was suppose to make a bingo chess game.. but i am totally clueless.. so far the notes i got was jumbled so i have no clue at all.. anyone mind helping me out? This is a sample image that it suppose to look like a bit: [URL="http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/2594/55923788ip0.jpg"]http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/2594/55923788ip0.jpg[/URL] What …

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Member Avatar for Metahuman

[CODE]int k = 0; int g() { k = k + 1; return k; } int D[] = {13, 19, 47, 3, 7}; ….. D[ g() ] = D[ g() ]++ — D[ g() ]++;[/CODE] According to a book from which this problem comes this code will generate 5 to …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for bwjones

Hi all, so I'm stuck on a certain part of a program for my C class. Okay the program is supposed to query a user for a set number of entries for temperatures which is 26. It is supposed to take those temperatures and calculate the avg. at the end. …

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Member Avatar for jessel

hello sir i'm a new user,i just want to ask if you have sample programs which deals on linked list....if possible not the add.edit,delete program

Member Avatar for zhelih
Member Avatar for darknight09

im having trouble programming , but its suppose to look something like this,, can anyone help out? im a beginner in c++ so i don't know much... tthis are my notes and im not sure how to do it image that it suppos to look like: [url]http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/2594/55923788ip0.jpg[/url] what it would …

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Member Avatar for msaenz

Getting this error don't understand really what i need to do to trouble shoot... hw.c: In function ‘PrintMatrix’: hw.c:14: error: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer hw.c: In function ‘main’: hw.c:27: warning: passing argument 1 of ‘PrintMatrix’ makes integer from pointer without a cast [ICODE] #include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for nikita_knp

can anyone plz help me out..to make a text editor in C... i dun even know where to start with... it should perform basic functions like moving cursor up and down.. cut,copy,paste,delete,moving to a new line on a enter etc..

Member Avatar for rizwan_aman007
Member Avatar for SYT

Hello, I've developed my project using C language on Linux platform. When I compiled my program, I got some linkage errors. I've read in some other C forum that the errors I'm getting is due to a linkage problem with the libraries. Can someone tell me the proper steps to …

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Member Avatar for wonder_laptop

well , i know java, but im new to c. i came across this while learning c : int my_function(const char *str1){ unsigned char c1; c1 = (*(unsigned char *) str1); } well i suppose this code is casting from a string to the character value of it but what …

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Member Avatar for Matt You

I have a simple program (code follows) that circle_shifts an array, but I need it to be able to quit when the user enters a character, (ex. q). Where do I start?[code]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <math.h> int printAr(int n[], const int SIZE){ unsigned int i; printf("Array contents: "); for( …

Member Avatar for Matt You
Member Avatar for wakeup

Is possible to acces to a COM dll from a C program? Do you have any example? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for morb
Member Avatar for noble3ad

Hello, I'm in an introductory computer programming course and I'm very new. I've been trying to write a program that will allow a user up to five tries to guess a randomly generated number. Here is what I have so far: [code] #include <stdio.h> //enables printf and scanf functions #include …

Member Avatar for noble3ad
Member Avatar for ghost_squad7

i would just like to ask i'm making a timer w/in a game my problem is with the scan function the game is like a guessing game. where a jumpled word appears on screen the timer is supposed to be displayed like this -------------------------------------------- output/user screen: -------------------------------------------- sampleword time left …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for rohoni

when i use for loop to get a string i have following problem why? [code=c] include<stdio.h> void main() { int i; char name[5]; for(i=0;i<5;i++) scanf("%c",&name[i]); for(i=0;i<5;i++) printf("%c",name[i]); }[/code] output world here for [COLOR="Green"]world[/COLOR] i get only [COLOR="Green"]worl[/COLOR]. that is for 5 char I get only four why ?

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for joshmo

can anyone help me with my code. i am trying to make the exec read input from the keyboard but i have no idea how to start. the code works if the path and the file names are already there..here is what i have done so far with the child …

Member Avatar for joshmo
Member Avatar for mank

I have two questions regarding c #1 if I have value(initialize a variable with a value) inside a block, like { } then how is it different than the value outside that block, but within the same function why does the value inside the block doesnt retain the old value …

Member Avatar for mank
Member Avatar for SergioQ

I have a C DLL (WIndows) and within it I hook some specific threads. But truth be told I would like to hook one enteire PROCESS. Is this possible?

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for wonder_laptop

i have to write a c code that it divides a number by a power of 2 by shifting the number to the right the requisite number of bits. im not asking for ANY CODE. im just asking for an explanation for the given. how do we divide by shifting …

Member Avatar for wonder_laptop
Member Avatar for plgriffith

I have a linked list of structs, with each struct having a char* and an int. When I try to print the list I get a seg fault. If I just print the int however it works. What am I doing wrong so the char* won't print? printf("%s %d\n", p->name, …

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Member Avatar for rohoni
Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for sam1

hi everyone. I need few good books for beginners, trying to learn C. thanks

Member Avatar for rohoni
Member Avatar for azadeh.mohajeri

I want to handle a program about flight ticket reservation I write 50% of program but I don't know how to write the[B] RESERVE FUNCTION[/B] if anyone have Idea for this please send me the reply. Regards Azadeh:)

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for mayank24

I was encoding a C program as my assignment and got stuck. Following is the part of my assignment where i got stuck Please enter the employee's pay period information : Income for the current pay period : -2400 **Value must be greater than 0.0 **Try again. : 2400.. **Trailing …

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Member Avatar for Marwa El_shawi

Hello everybody : I have windows vista ( home premium) ,, how can i make a program to send msgs to other pc in my lan ... means : required program c LAN Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for chopficaro

hey i got some c homework due Monday and I'm stuck. please help me. I'm going to mark the error lines with **** in place of a tab. build errors are at the bottom. i will be eternally grateful for any insight. [code=c] //patrick allard //program4 //prof ed ryder #include …

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Member Avatar for 88omar

i got this question and started and got a bit stuck can u please help. it goes like this the questions asks us to Write a c-program to read 10 numbers from the keyboard and store the numbers in an array called numbers After storing the numbers in the array …

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Member Avatar for Cbeginner_us

Hi, I am a C beginner and I am trying to write a program for Cellular Demodulator. Can anyone help me? Thank you.

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Member Avatar for smiles

I am programming for a microcontroller using CCS compiler (which based on C language) My code is pressing button to select a specified time then using that time to switch on and off a lamp, for e.g The value I got when press button is an int, with 0x31 stand …

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Member Avatar for Mr.UNOwen

Hello, Does anyone know of any chip I can buy that I can easily have a C program communicate with through USB and separates the signal into individual parallel connections? Basically I need to send 125 bits to be separated at a given time, so the larger the separation, the …

Member Avatar for Mr.UNOwen
Member Avatar for 88omar

Hi there again i tried answering the question amm i hope you guys can understand it its a structure ahh i am to: Write a program using (structures) that stores the details of students in a school. Create a structure called students with the following structure elements: Student name. student …

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The End.