15,554 Topics

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Member Avatar for locy

how do i write a C programm to add two figures together e.g b and h if b = 0125 and h =2354 b = 0+1+2+5 = 8 h = 2+3+5+4 = 14 and the output to be ++++++++ * * * * * * * * ++++++++ * * …

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Member Avatar for csteverun

I could really use some help here. I can't figure out what's the problem is, so I've assumed it's all C's fault. I have a function: [code]pf_plot32(Uint32 data[], Uint32 dl, pfplot pattern[], Uint8 pl, Uint32 pr, struct pf_path32 *path)[/code] ..Which takes a pointer to a structure: [code] struct pf_point32 { …

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Member Avatar for near

Hello everyone,i need help here(urgent!!): here is what my program for: 1.user will enter a string not more than 300 words. 2.change string to lowercase 3.count each word occurrence example: This is a test. This program will count number of each word occurrence. this = 2 is = 1 a …

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Member Avatar for kemboy

this is suppose to be a binary search to return the number of times a number is found in the array.............but for some reason it isnt calculating the correct number of times the number is found....already had my paper and pen out trying to find the error but it aint …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for bobei89

This program is wrotten by me college's teacher, and i so confuse and do not understand why is like this coding. [code=c]#include<stdio.h> void main() { int i,j,class_size,mark; int freq[11]={0}; //why make freq[11] for 11 variables?// printf("This program produces a bar chart\n"); printf("showing marks distribution...\n"); printf("\nHow many students?"); scanf("%d", &class_size); //make …

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Member Avatar for beatlea

Hello, I have to write a program using exec() where user can specify the pathname and arguments. I am trying to read in the arguments in the following way: [code] #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/wait.h> int main() { ... int i; char *cmd[100]; char argument[100]; i = 0; for(i=0;i<3;i++) …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for restrooms

can someone tell me if the code is right. cuz my T.C doesnt work. [code=c] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int num1,num2,num3; int num4,num5; int main() { clrscr(); printf("ENTER NUMBER"); scanf("%d",&num2); num1=1;num2=1;num3=1; printf("%i",num1); printf("\t%i",num2); for(num1=1;num1<=num2;num1++) { num3=num1+num2; printf(\t%i",num3); num1=num2; num2=num3; } getch(); return (0); } [/code]

Member Avatar for hopalongcassidy
Member Avatar for locy
Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for raja.geek

hi all, i would like to know the all possible command line options of GGCOV tool... ex:1. ggcov program name 2.ggcov -o dir if anyone of you know this,plz send me the details... Thanks in advance..... RajasekharReddy.B

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for aznstyles408

So here's my problem. I need to copy paste two 2d arrays together to form a new one. So in this function I allocate memory for the new array and then I use the memcpy function to start copying. The first copy goes fine. But i am not sure how …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for jaepi

Hello there, do you have any idea where to get a good reference for the function fseek64? Or does anyone of you here knows this function or is there really a fseek64 function? lol. Thanks!

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Member Avatar for pedro martinez

Hi, I need help to sort a file. I am able to open the file, but the lines of the text file are separate by commas and I have to separate the lines into 4 differents string of characters. I have problems separating the string and sorting them by name. …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for abhi07

a c program to convert lower case text to upper case using strlen (). a c prog to arrange names in alphabetical orderusing strcpy (). a c prog to check wether given number is prime or not. to find length of sring without using library function. to check wether etered …

Member Avatar for ChaseVoid
Member Avatar for jayasharma

[B] Hi All, I need very urgent help regarding reading tiff file and apply mean filter on it. I will be really thankfull to you if u can provide me C source code. Please help me..... Regards, Jaya Sharma[/B]

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for rylix01

I need to write a C library routines to allow user to process images to get different effects like inverting colors and scrolling vertically and horizontally. for inverting colors, we need to write a function- for scrolling vertically and horizontally, we need to write a procedure- and call these function …

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Member Avatar for gallantmon1

I'm still confused with file i/o here and needs a bit of help on fixing the codes I have. Can anyone offer some help? I have two codes here that sort of work together. One is a database type of code that is supposed to get input form the user …

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Member Avatar for alex_bhes14

everyone here can give me the code of this sample program.. enter a positive number: 100 your inpit is: one hundred.. i allowed to use the do...while loop.. if every one here who can send me the code of this sample output.. send it to [keep it on the site].. …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for gallantmon1

I want to do a binary tree code that outputs an actual tree, but I'm a little lost right now and don't know what to do. I did this code in Dev C++ Here's the code so far: [code]#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<strings.h> #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 int size; …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for restrooms

can someone help me on editing my program. it is a one year calendar and im now stock. and i did;nt put default bec. it will not run. #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int a,b,c; int main() { clrscr(); printf("Enter Number:"); scanf("%d",&c); switch(c) { case 1: printf("\t\t\tJanuary 2007"); printf("\n\t"); for(b=1;b<=51; b++) …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for rpjanaka

hi all, i have Theora video codec source code (a C library) and i want to debug it using GDB in linux. but if its developers have not provide debuging enable option, how can i manualy chnaged the make file for unabling debuging optins. please can anyone help me to …

Member Avatar for dwks
Member Avatar for pdwivedi

I have several .CPP and .H fles which i want to compile together. These files are used for PLC and Oracle database communication. when i try to compile these files it says following header files are missing .. [COLOR=red]<occi.h>[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]<sys/msg.h>[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]<sys/time.h>[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]<sys/stat.h>[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]<signal.h>[/COLOR] How can I recover these files & …

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Member Avatar for locy

can spmeone help me with any c compiler avaliable that i can easy download and the keys that i can use for the command.

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Member Avatar for bc030400412

Write a TSR program that changes the background color of the screen to red every 5 second and then white next 5 second, And this continues until you press ‘Q’ It should not modify the text displayed on the screen. Hint: 1_ Intercept Keyboard interrupt (0x09H) 2_ Use video text …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for FEARmike21

I have been checking on others letter count programs and none so far are like mine so I'm now making my own thread. My assignment, which is due tomorrow! *Yikes* Is for me to make a text file in notepad and then important that to my code. Then, I has …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for winky

Hey all, I am new to C/C++ and this week we just started object oriented C++. Before I dive into it I want to have a good understanding of simulating object oriented programming with C. Anyway, I believe I have doctored the code to where the queue and the Stack …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for eddiekash

i would like some examples of simple c or c++ codes that can shut down a computer like say at exactly 9pm. could anyone give me a sample c code that can pop up on the screen warning that the computer will shut down in 20 minutes.

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for skyah

Hello, I have to write a few programs. I have an attachment of what i have so far. Can anyone direct me in the right direction.

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for ba19

hai..can anyone help me on this task...i might need some sample on doing it.TQ Tasks: 1 You are expected to write a program that simulates CPU scheduling algorithms (SJF and SRTF). 2 The program will request the user to set the the number of processes to be selected for execution. …

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for baberca

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define n 20 main() { int d,p; int b,i,n,bt[20],at[20],num; int arr[20]; clrscr(); printf("ENTER THE NUMBER OF PROCESSES: "); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { gotoxy(10,5); printf("PROCESS: %d",i+1); gotoxy(25,5); printf("BURST TIME : "); scanf("%d",&bt[d]); gotoxy(50,5); printf("ARRIVAL TIME :"); scanf("%d",&at[p]); } gotoxy(29,20); printf("SELECT ALGORITHM"); gotoxy(29,25); printf("\n[1] - SJF"); gotoxy(29,30); printf("\n[2] - SRTF"); gotoxy(29,35); …

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The End.